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6 Av 5776
Wednesday, August 10 2016
UPDATES 9 am Israel time:
…Palestinian terror yesterday unreported in the mainstream media…
*Hawara, Atarot, Hizma, Harsha, Makel, Atarot, Migdalot, Silwan, Khader, the Jerusalem tunnel checkpoint, Dehaisha, Azariyah: all of these were locations where “rocks”, Molotovs, IEDs, and arson occurred yesterday.
And an attempted stabbing took place at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron.
All told there were 21 reported terrorist attacks.
*At least 8 Palestinian terrorists were fortunately wounded in a tunnel collapse in the Sujaiyah neighborhood of Gaza last night.
Do you remember Sujaiyah during the 2014 war? It was heavily bombed by the IDF because it was the central point from which tunnels led into Israel.
And now, it is “tunnel central” again.
…The Obama Administration threat of the day…
Or should we say joke of the day–because it has become a sick joke in Israel every time a White House or State Department spokesman opens his or her mouth.
This time, the White House warned Israel yesterday that it would react “severely” if Israel destroys the illegal Palestinian settlement of Sussiya.
Your humble servant was in Sussiya last year. Located in Area C and constructed with the help of European Union money, it mainly consists of ramshackle homes seasonally lived in by residents of nearby Hevron.
The government responded to the White House yesterday by saying that it will follow the ruling of the Israel Supreme Court–which has just given Defense Minister Lieberman two weeks to submit a plan to evacuate the settlement.
There are two words on everyone’s lips in Israel today:
Yarden Gerbi
Every print, radio, and television outlet is continually playing video of her Bronze Medal winning performance in women’s judo yesterday.

Yarden: following her victory yesterday, she pointed her fingers at the Israeli flag on her robe and instantly endeared herself to the nation.
All of Israel came together late yesterday afternoon to celebrate her victory–Israel’s fist medal in the Olympics since 2008.
There is only one thing to add: