5 Elul 5776
Thursday, September 8 2016
UPDATES 8 am Israel time:
…Palestinian terror unreported in the mainstream media…
Riots in Hevron in which Israelis were attacked with firebombs, “rocks”, and other projectiles; “rock” attacks near Malik, Bethany, Kiryat Arba, La’ake, Sebastia, Rachel’s Tomb, Atil, Eli, Al Khader, Route 443, and Asharqiya.
These were just a few of the 25+ Palestinian terror attacks yesterday that went completely unreported in the Israeli and international media.
…Special Agent Mahmoud Abbas of the KGB…
All of the Israeli news outlets were atwitter last night with the story that unelected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was a KGB agent when he lived in Damascus in 1983.
The report comes after a study of documents brought to London by KGB archivist and defector Vasili Mitrokhin. There is no reason to doubt the veracity of the documents.
In fact, your humble servant cannot think of anything more unsurprising that the discovery that Abbas was a KGB agent.
After all, Abbas was always a Russophile, living in Moscow for a number of years as a graduate student at Patrice Lumumba University there. As we all know, it was at Lumumba that he penned his doctoral dissertation, the bogus anti-Semitic, Holocaust-minimizing opus: “The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism.”
Patrice Lumumba was well known as a fertile recruiting ground for the KGB, and any number of future terrorists attended “school” there. Patrice Lumumba was later renamed “People’s Friendship University.”
So what’s the big deal about Special KGB Agent Abbas? Does this relationship mean that Russia had a hand in some of the major Palestinian terror attacks over the decades–or at least had knowledge of them beforehand? Your humble servant doesn’t have a clue.
Back in northern California where your humble servant lives for half of each year, he has had the unfortunate circumstance on a number of occasions to encounter the Celebration of Abraham (hereafter “Celebration”)–a group closely resembling another organization, the Children of Abraham (hereafter “Children”).
Both organizations advertise themselves as “interfaith” organizations consisting of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Both organizations clothe themselves in the fraudulent terminology of progressivism: “loving kindness“, “universal hopes“, “understanding and respect“; “shared belief“, “interfaith cooperation.”
According to its website, Celebration was formed by community clergy and laypeople after September 11, 2001 (it doesn’t mention that local Muslims were the driving force behind its creation). Its mission was to “honor those who had died and, at the same time, increase understanding and respect among the three major Abrahamic faiths.”
Similarly, according to its website, Children was formed back in 2003 by “a few community members” led by a local Muslim organization. It’s self-stated mission: “Our organization wanted to set an example that through local efforts, we can help others and around the world. And through this united effort, we come closer together as a community and build a greater understanding among Christians, Muslims and other faiths right here at home.
Whereas members of Celebration “collect funds” for “community benefit organizations” such as Habitat for Humanity and Philippine Typhoon Relief, Children help “relieve suffering around the world by providing free medical supplies and equipment to medically underserved countries.”
However, in your humble servant’s opinion, each of these organizations has the same mission that has nothing to do with their stated missions.
The Celebration of Abraham and the Children of Abraham seek to mainstream Islam into American culture, and in the same process to mainstream hatred of Israel into American culture.
All you have to do is take a mixture of “progressive” Christians, sprinkle in a few token “reform and/or reconstructionist” Jews, add traditional Israel/Jew-hating Muslims, and voilà, you have your recipe.

A 2014 photo of the Children who initiated the controversy below. In many ways, this is a symbolic picture which looks like all Celebration and Children of Abraham groups.
So what has spurred your humble servant to write this blog today?
Here in Israel yesterday, I happened to be watch a news channel report about how a controversy has erupted over the wording on a 9/11 memorial in Owego, New York.
When I heard that a local “interfaith group” had objected to the wording “Islamic terrorists”, I immediately knew what was going on.
Later, I saw the following item online which confirmed my suspicion:
A new 9/11 monument in Hickories Park in the Town of Owego is sparking national debate. The controversy is over the wording, which reads “nineteen Islamic terrorists” boarded four airlines to carry out a series of coordinated attacks against the U.S.
A spokesperson for the “Children of Abraham” Organization of the Southern Tier says that having the words “Islamic terrorists” on the monument is a broad brush against the many Muslims who live in the Southern Tier. The group has asked that the monument say “terrorists” or, if they must, use “AL-Qaeda terrorists.”
We asked a town leader if the idea of using the term “Islamic terrorists” was a bad one in the era of political correctness? Town Supervisor Donald Castellucci says it is an accurate historical portrayal.
“I don’t live in a politically correct world,” he said. “I live in a historical fact world and cross-terrorism, whether it’s American, homegrown, Christianity, Islamic, you call it what it is. And, we don’t whitewash things, especially here. And, we think we done the accurate citing of what happened.”
A brief separate article has this to say:
The Children Of Abraham Of The Southern Tier has taken issue with the writing on the monument, which calls the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks “Islamic terrorists.”
The group is concerned that the wording unfairly paints all Muslims with the same brush and could encourage hatred toward Muslims living in the area.
They are requesting that the monument instead read “terrorists” or “Al Qaeda terrorists.”
So what is our point this morning? Whether it be the Children of Abraham or the Celebration of Abraham, beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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