7 Elul 5776
Saturday, September 10 2016
UPDATES 10 am Israel time:
…Palestinian terror unreported in the mainstream media…
From our friends at kolyehudi comes the number that 132 Palestinian terror attacks took place between Friday and Tuesday of this past week.
5 days, 132 attacks.
26.4 attacks per day.
Did you hear about any of these? Did the international media report on any Palestinian terrorism whatsoever?
IEDs, Molotov firebombs, shootings, “rock” attacks: none of these are mentioned by anyone as if they don’t exist. Essentially, the residents of Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and the Gaza border area are “the invisible people.”
Yesterday was no exception with more than 20 assaults including an IED attack at a bus stop near Mt. Hevron, riot attacks near Ramallah and Al-Arav, “rock” attacks at Beit El and Atarot, and a shooting attack on an IDF jeep near Kibbutz Ketura that moderately wounded the soldier driving the vehicle:

The jeep that crashed yesterday after its driver was shot by terrorists (picture source on photo: Rotter).
As we have often written, a day never goes by that the Obama Administration–either through the White House Press Secretary or a State Department Spokesperson–does not harshly criticize Israel.
Yesterday, it was State Department Spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau.
And the occasion was the video produced by PM Netanyahu this past week in which he said that the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria were not obstacles to peace any more than the nearly 2 million Israeli-Arabs living in Israel.
Specifically, Netanyahu said that Israel is not going to “ethnically cleanse” Judea and Samaria just because Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians have declared that “not one Jew will remain in Palestine” when a Palestinian state is formed.
To put all of this in a different way, just as Israel did not ethnically cleanse Israel of its Arabs, neither should “Palestine” ethnically cleanse itself of Jews. Arabs in Israel and Jews in “Palestine” should not be an obstacle to peace.
Netanyahu went on to blast the world for its utter indifference to Palestinians wanting to ethnically cleanse Jews: “It is even more outrageous that the world does not believe that it is shocking. Some of the countries in the world who have claimed to be enlightened support and promote this outrageous position.”
Of course, Netanyahu is not really shocked. As a student of Israeli history, he knows how the Jordanians and Palestinians ethnically cleansed the Old City of Jerusalem and the “West Bank” of all Jews between 1948 and 1967. He knows that the world didn’t offer even a peep in protest.
And of course he knows how the world says nothing when it sees the ethnic cleansing of Israelis (read “Jews”) all around us all the time.
How many countries forbid Israelis from entering and from flying on their national airlines (airlines that are permitted to land in virtually all “western” countries)?
It should be noted that not all “domestic” Jews have been ethnically cleansed within the above countries. For example, Algeria which once had 140,000 Jews now has 75 aging ones. Bangladesh still has two families of Jewish descent, but they have converted to Catholicism. On the other hand, many of the above countries have ethnically cleansed all Jews such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Malaysia, and Kuwait.
And what does the world say?
All of which brings back to yesterday at the State Department and State Department Spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau lambasting PM Netanyahu for daring to suggest that the Palestinians are involved in ethnic cleansing. From the briefing:
Question: You may have seen – I think you have seen this video that Prime Minister Netanyahu has put out today in social media talking about settlements and talking about the Palestinians wanting to have a state that is – that has no Jews in it at all and saying that this is ethnic cleansing. And he also complains that – well, he says that that demand is outrageous, that it’s even more outrageous that the world doesn’t find it outrageous. And then he says some otherwise enlightened countries even promote this outrage.
Trudeau: So we have seen the Israeli prime minister’s video. We obviously strongly disagree with the characterization that those who oppose settlement activity or view it as an obstacle to peace are somehow calling for ethnic cleansing of Jews from the West Bank. We believe that using that type of terminology is inappropriate and unhelpful.
Note how Trudeau avoids the question and misconstrues what Netanyahu said.
The Palestinians believe that there should be no Jews at all in “Palestine”? No problem. And it is “inappropriate and unhelpful” to suggest that it is.
Just another day in the chronicles of the Obama Administration.
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