Is There A Bigger Scum Bag Than John Kerry?

Tivet 18, 5777

January 16, 2017


Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

*Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF forces in Tikua (in Gush Etzion) with “rocks” and other projectiles this afternoon. One terrorist was shot and killed; others were wounded.

*Palestinian terrorists also attacked security forces with “rocks” and Molotovs near Beit El, Efrat, beside Ramallah, Hizma, Rachel’s Tomb, Silwan, and Biddu and other places.

*Palestinian terrorists assaulted Israeli civilians in cars and buses at such places as A-Ram, Makel, Karmi Tzur, Bethany, Anan, Auja, Barta’a, Deir Nizam, Tur, and Ariel.

All told, there have more than 30 attacks recorded.

Please note that the information above is gleaned from Israeli civilians on the ground as reported at and other civilian reportage of attacks reported at

Arab terrorists coming back to the Middle East

The entirely predictable attempt by President Obama to empty Guantanamo Bay of terrorists before he leaves office on Friday at noon, picked up speed today as it was announced that Oman has agreed to take on 10 of the prisoners.

Well, not exactly.

How would you interpret this statement from the Omani Foreign Ministry?

“In consideration of their humanitarian situation, 10 persons have been released from detention and arrived in the sultanate today for a temporary residence.”

For a temporary residence? How long will it be before these terrorists return to battlefields all around Israel?

Doesn’t this tell you all you need to know about Breaking the Silence?

It is reported today that the newly reworked Channel 20 will soon run a series on the despicable group “Breaking the Silence” that pays disgruntled IDF veterans to travel the world trashing the IDF and Israel.

It is an organization that always claims that its actions are really meant to support IDF soldiers.

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Apparently one of the first segments of the series will feature Nadav Wyman, the coordinator of Breaking the Silence, declaring his support of the Palestinians: 

If they shoot IDF soldiers, if they are trying to kill IDF soldiers, they are not terrorists.”


Is There A Bigger Scum Bag Than John Kerry?

American Secretary of State John Kerry has built his career on criticizing Israel. Press conference after press conference, state department spokesperson after state department spokesperson, speech after speech, and finally infamous Security Council Resolution 2334–Kerry’s impact has been to delegitimize Israel and further isolate us.

Of course it is true that Kerry works for still-President (4 more days) Obama, and undoubtedly has been mouthing the Administration line, but still there is something so egregiously slimy about Kerry that it cannot help but turn your humble servant’s stomach.

So when Kerry called PM Netanyahu yesterday from Paris to dissemble that he was going to do everything within his power to soften the end-of-the-conference resolution and make sure that there is no follow-up in the Security Council, I wanted to throw up.

What universe is Kerry living in?

Does he really think that we can’t see how he and Obama have colluded with the Palestinians, the Security Council, and the French to ram declarations and resolutions down Israel’s throat just before he and Obama end their terms of office? Does he really think that we all don’t know that whatever text was generated in Paris was approved by Kerry and Obama beforehand?

So it is simply laughable that Kerry is going to soften the very text that he had a hand in creating.

And it is even more pathetic that now he is going to stand behind Israel in the Security Council.

Really, it is hard to come up with the right word or phrase for the reprehensible Kerry: scum bag, sleaze ball, slime . . . I leave it to you, dear reader, to choose how you think Kerry should be described.




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