5 Kislev 5779
13 November 2018
The Missile Attacks On Southern Israel Continue Unabated
5:30 pm.
Our pathetic and misnamed “security” cabinet has just done what we always knew it would do because it always does, it has voted unanimously for a “ceasefire” with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
This vote came after numerous more missile barrages that hit southern Israelis at 3:39 pm, 3:39, 3:44, 4:29, and 4:47.
Your humble servant once again has no words for how disgusted he is with PM Netanyahu and his minions, Defense Minister Lieberman, and IDF Chief of Staff Eizenkot.
Once again, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have accomplished everything they set out to do–and have dragged Israel through the mud while doing it.
This mini-war, like so many before it, is a sad commentary on the state of affairs here in Israel and bodes very poorly for our future.
More on all of this tomorrow.
3:35 pm.
12:30 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:13 pm, 2:59 pm, 3:24 pm: six barrages since our last update. In one of the barrages, a missile hit a home in Yad Mordechai badly wounding a resident.
More than 500 missiles and mortars have now been fired by Palestinians in Gaza into southern Israel.
The Iron Dome has intercepted 160 incoming missiles.
Reports are that Hamas and Islamic Jihad now want a ceasefire because they say that “Israel has gotten the message.” However, the obvious point is that Hamas and Islamic Jihad have gotten no message whatsoever.
The same reports say that Egypt and Norway are leading “the fight” to bring the fighting to a close, and that Hamas and Islamic Jihad agreed to stop firing at 3:30 pm.
We’ll see.
We didn’t have to wait long. 3 minutes ago, at 3:32 pm, another barrage of missiles hit southern Israel.
12:15 pm.
The missiles continue being launched like clockwork out of Palestinian Gaza into southern Israel.
Since 10:30 am, there have been barrages at 10:37, 10:59, 11:11, 11:27, and 11:48.
What’s one difference between Israel and Palestinian Hamas? One missile from the recent barrages exploded in a community kindergarten on the Gaza border. Fortunately, all schools in the area were canceled today.
On the other hand, what do we bomb?
Empty houses.
This picture shows the supposed “home of a terrorist” according to the IDF. As you can see the unfinished, run-down house was empty and likely a place for homeless to sleep. It hardly looks like a high quality target.
10:30 am.
The missiles keep exploding, most recently at 9:34 am, 9:44, and 10:15. As of this hour, approximately 475 missiles have exploded in southern Israel since late yesterday afternoon.
MADA has published a list of casualties:
55 Israelis have been wounded (wounds include shrapnel, shattered glass, falls when running to bomb shelters, smoke inhalation, and others).
3 Israelis are critically wounded: a soldier and two women hit by shrapnel.
1 man was killed (by shrapnel in an Ashkelon apartment).
Dozens have been treated for trauma.
In the last two hours, the IAF has hit one group of terrorists launching missiles.
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Do you want to know what is wrong with Israel?
Despite the wholesale attack on our men, women, and children, the IDF COGAT unit has just proudly announced that it is still transporting “goods and fuel” into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Here we are in a state of war, yet we are so obsessed with political correctness that our own army is making sure that we are supplying fuel to our enemy so that it can operate hydraulic missile launchers and supplying concrete for them to build more tunnels to hide in and attack us from.
8:15 am.
In the last one hour and 45 minutes, Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired missile barrages at 6:43, 6:51, 7:01, 7:08, 7:20, 7:51, 8:07, and 8:12.
The barrage at 7:01 consisted of 5 missiles which were intercepted just before reaching Ashdod:

5 more missiles aimed directly at us, intercepted by the Iron Dome. Another picture from our balcony.
6:30 am.
The day has dawned here in southern Israel, and we have the answer to the two questions that we posed last night:
Do we have a government or not?
The answer: We have no government.
Do we have an army that can defend us or not?
The answer: We have no IDF General Command that will protect us.
As of 10:00 pm last night, Hamas and Islamic Jihad had fired more than 300 missiles and mortars into southern Israel.
As of 5:00 am this morning, Hamas and Islamic Jihad had fired more than 400 missiles and mortars into southern Israel.
In the last 5 minutes, we were rocked with a barrage of 12 missiles just south of our house here in Ashdod. They were all intercepted by the Iron Dome located nearby:

Five minutes ago here in Ashdod (I took this from our second floor balcony). Each puff of smoke is the explosion of an Iron Dome missile intercepting an incoming missile from Gaza.
Between 10:45 pm last night and 4:05 am this morning, there were ten more barrages of missiles.
One missile hit an apartment building in Ashkelon. One man was killed (ironically, an illegal Palestinian man from Hevron), and a woman was critically wounded. Two other women were critically wounded elsewhere amidst the missile attacks in Ashkelon, Netivot, and Sderot.
At first, it appeared that the IDF was mounting a major response last night, but this quickly petered out into nothing. The Army crowed about the fact that it had bombed the Hamas television and radio network building, but within seconds of the attack the Hamas television and radio were broadcasting as usual.
The Army also crowed about the fact that the building housing the Hamas intelligence network was destroyed. But it claimed exactly the same thing about the same building several months ago during another missile attack.
As Islamic Jihad noted last night: “All the Zionists ever do is hit empty buildings.”
And of course we had all the usual pictures and blather from the government and IDF. The first pictures showed a stern-looking PM Netanyahu sitting with IDF Chief of Staff Eizenkot in the government’s “war room.” After the meeting, the IDF said that “operational decisions” had been made.
“Operational decisions” is code for “deciding to do nothing.”
By this morning, the IDF spokesman was declaring: “Hamas knows very well what we are doing. We will expand that if Hamas continues.”
Yes, Hamas knows very well that we are doing nothing.
Back to the two questions.
How our government can have one ounce of self-respect is beyond your humble servant. Is there any other government in the world that would tolerate massive, deadly missile attacks on its citizens and soldiers? The fact is that we have no government.
What we have is a motley group of people that calls itself a government perfectly willing to sit on their hands and do nothing, and a Prime Minister who has actually begun calling doing nothing and turning over blackmail money to Hamas “a demonstration of my leadership.”
How the IDF can continue to put out absurd statements about how it will not let the citizens of southern Israel be harmed is unbelievable. The situation here is that more than half a million people are sitting in bomb shelters and fearing for their lives–and are knowing that the IDF will not act decisively to stop the terrorists.
Maybe this latest rash of missiles this morning will finally spur our government and army into action. None of us here in southern Israel are holding our breaths.