28 Adar I 5779
5 March 2019
Picture of the Day:

How about this for a photo–taken at 37,500 km from Earth? The first picture from the Bereshit (Genesis) Israeli mooncraft. The Hebrew reads: Am Israel Chai!
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists carried out continuous “rock” and Molotov assaults on Israeli motorists throughout the day and night at such places as the Al-Khader Junction, Ginot Shomron, Al Aruv, Hawara, Kiryat Arba, and Hizma.
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza launched dozens of more explosive balloons into southern Israel, some of which exploded at Kibbutz Mefalsim and in agricultural fields throughout the Eshkol Region.
The Benny Gantz accusation is solidified . . .
The second woman (the “sister” mentioned below) who has accused Benny Gantz of indecent exposure has had her story corroborated by her brother. That brother has just undergone a polygraph test after which the testing firm owner stated: “Based on the polygraph test performed by the person in my office, which found no response to be a lie, my opinion is that the subject was telling the truth in his report that he saw Mr. Benny Gantz expose his penis to his sister and mother.”
And still, the Israeli media refuses to delve into the accusations against their darling.
Islamic brazenness on the Temple Mount . . .
The situation remains fluid at the Gate of Mercy. The head of the Islamic Wakf and his deputy are now prohibited from being on the Temple Mount for 40 days, and the police–for the first time today–prevented prayer mats from being placed in the Gate of Mercy compound (known in Arabic as the Bab al-Rahma).
These actions are welcome, and at the same time, a Jerusalem Magistrate Court has issued an order to close the compound and lock the Gate of Mercy.
To which the Jordanian Islamic Wakf brazenly responded today: “An Israeli court has no jurisdiction over the compound or the Temple Mount.”
No Political Correctness At JFK Last Week:
The U.S. Deports Osama Elewat
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Remember the absurd events surrounding Lara Al-Qasem this past summer?
Al-Qasem is the American student who came to Israel supposedly to study at Hebrew University. She was detained at Ben Gurion Airport for days and told she would be deported back to the United States because she is a fervent supporter of BDS.
More than this, she lied on her visa application as to the timeline regarding when she was affiliated with Students for Justice in Palestine (she served as the president) on a campus in Florida where she attended college.
Her detention and proposed deportation caused a huge outcry with groups like the Anti-Defamation League, American Civil Liberties Union, and numerous others in Israel rushing to her defense. Of course, leftist Hebrew University itself took the case to the Israel High Court of In-Justice which ruled that she had to be let in.
And so, disgustingly, she was.
Flash forward to this past week.
“Combatants for Peace” is an odious NGO founded by left-wing Israelis which operates throughout Israel and has chapters around the world. It constantly accuses Israel of occupation and violence against Palestinians.
Last week, a Palestinian “Combatants for Peace” steering member, Osama Elewat, landed at JFK airport in New York after a flight from Doha Qatar. He was supposed to meet another member of Combatants for Peace there and then embark on a speaking tour of university campuses, churches, and synagogues.
However, he was immediately detained by American authorities.
After a 12 hour interrogation, Elewat’s visa was revoked, and he was unceremoniously handcuffed, taken to a plane bound for Qatar, and deported.
Not only was he not told why his visa was canceled, he was not given the right to appeal to a court against the decision.
How refreshing.
He is gone with the wind from the U.S.–never to return.
Just like Lara Al-Qasem should have been from Israel.