Thursday, Yom Chameshi
3 Kislev 5781
November 19, 2020
The Nauseatingly Verbose Quote of the Day
“In recent weeks I have devoted much effort to resuming security coordination with the Palestinians. Yesterday after six months of disengagement, the coordinator of government operations in the territories, Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rokon, informed me that the Palestinian Authority is interested in returning. I emphasize that coordination between us and the Palestinians is in the common interest, both for the citizens and security of Israel and for the interests of the Palestinian residents and the Palestinian economy. I call once again on the Palestinian leadership to return to the negotiating table–for a better future in the Middle East.”
Benny Gantz, so-called “Defense” Minister of Israel
Well at least now we know where our “Defense Minister” has been during the last few weeks while missiles have been fired at central and southern Israel with no response from the IDF.
He’s been down on his knees begging the PLO to take tax money, resume “security” cooperation with Israel, and come to the negotiating table so Israel can grant them ever more concessions.
It is beyond pathetic. Meeting the PLO at the “concession table” will not bring a better future for the Middle East just like the Oslo Accords and other agreements did not. It will only encourage terror against Israelis.
The News On The Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today):
There are 326,331 confirmed cases—an increase of 794
309 are in critical condition—a decrease of 8
125 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 1
2,739 have died–an increase of 3
There are currently 8,274 active Corona cases in Israel.
If only we could keep the mortality rate this low, we would be in good shape. There is talk today that the Israeli government may require all Israeli citizens to get a Corona vaccination if and when they become available.
About the terror on the Golan border yesterday . . .
According to the IDF, the explosive device that was discovered and neutralized was planted there by “Unit 840”, an arm of the Iranian Quds Force.
Unit 840 is responsible for numerous Iranian terror attacks outside of Iran and is particularly active in Syria.
“Made In Israel”
Three little words that are huge words to businesses in Judea and Samaria.
With the abominable European Union going to great anti-Semitic lengths to have European consumers boycott Israeli goods from Judea and Samaria, it came as wonderful news today that the United States will label all goods produced in Judea and Samaria as “Made In Israel.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the announcement while visiting the Psagot Winery in Samaria–the first American Secretary of State to ever visit a site in Judea and Samaria. In honor of the occasion, the world-famous winery produced a special edition bottle:
It is sure to become a best seller–with your humble servant first in line to buy some bottles.
If indeed Joe Biden becomes president, the Made In Israel appellation may be short-lived, and you can count on the fact that no Biden senior official will ever the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
But for the moment, let’s savor this latest action of the Trump administration just like we would savor an excellent Judean or Samarian wine!