What Has Happened To The IDF?

Sunday, Yom Rishon

6 Kislev 5781

November 22, 2020


The News on the Israeli Street

The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .

The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today):

There are 328,397 confirmed casesan increase of 649

315 are in critical condition—a decrease of 3

120 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 3

2,757 have diedan increase of 13

There are currently 8,469 active Corona cases in Israel.

Just when we thought that daily deaths had stabilized at fewer than 5 per day come the numbers from yesterday which show that more than 10 Israelis died yesterday. Also, the number of active cases continues its climb.

The percentage of positive tests yesterday was 2.8%–ever more than the 1% marker the Health Ministry has established for a new lockdown.

The war in Syria . . .

The conflict in Syria has taken a backseat to other news lately; however, the Iranians continue to try to entrench themselves within striking distance of the Israeli border.

Yesterday, the railway at the city of Abu Kamal was struck. Six Iranian proxy militiamen were reportedly killed. All in all, there were 5 attacks on 10 Iranian targets.

The Kineret is on the rise again . . .

Heavy rains in the north coupled with the season’s first snows are feeding more water into the Sea of Galilee (the Kineret).

Yesterday, the lake rose by 2 cm following another 4o mm of water that fell. This morning, the Water Authority measured the level of the Kineret at 209.98 m.




What Has Happened To The IDF?

It has been another night with another missile attack, with another lack of meaningful IDF response, with another bizarre set of IDF rationalizations and reactions–leading to another morning after feeling like Israel has lost all deterrence and fighting capability.

What in the world has happened to the IDF?

Last night at 9:36 pm incoming missile sirens sounded in the areas in red below:

Where the incoming missile sirens blared last night.

Where the incoming missile sirens blared last night.

The sirens screeched, and tens of thousands of men, women, and children ran frantically to their bomb shelters thinking that the Iron Dome system would launch interceptor missiles.

But the Iron Dome did not fire.  

Explosions were heard by everyone–and a video was made of the point of missile impact.

The IDF immediately rushed out to say that the missile had fallen in “an open space.” Yet the missile did not explode in an open space. It scored a direct hit on a factory in south Ashkelon.

Click here to see a 31 second video of where the missile actually hit.

Next, there was an embarrassing few hours during which the IDF spokesman said that there had not yet been any response to the missile because the IDF could not figure out who fired it.

Finally, early this morning before sunrise, the IDF spokesman issued this piece of gobbledygook:

Recently, IDF fighter jets and fighter helicopters attacked a number of Hamas terrorist targets in Gaza. During the attack, the Hamas terrorist organization’s intensification targets were attacked, including two sites for the production of rocket weapons, underground infrastructure, and a military training complex of the Hamas terrorist organization’s naval force.

We know the code all too well:

“Two sites for the production of rocket weapons” = two empty buildings.

“Underground infrastructure” = empty sand dunes

“A military training complex of the Hamas naval force” = barren ground with empty buildings (the same naval “compound” the IDF hits every time)

And by the way, what in the heck are “intensification targets”?

In short, the IDF hit nothing of any value and of course did not wound or kill any terrorists.

But wait . . . there was more.

Apparently just after the missile launch and subsequent explosion, a tank commander fired on the Hamas position from whence came the missile. The IDF spokesman again rushed to the media to say that the tank fire was carried out without permission, and that those who ordered it are going to be investigated.

In short, the tank commander will be court-martialed.


To top it all off, we have another statement from the IDF spokesman this morning:

Today began a command exercise to improve the capability and readiness of the Southern Command for combat scenarios in Gaza, with the participation of regular and reserve forces. The exercise was planned in advance as part of the training graph for 2020 and will finish by Wednesday.

Note how the statement is careful to note that the exercise “was planned in advance.” In other words: “Dear Hamas, we are not doing this in response to the missile fire last night.”

Capability and readiness?

The events of the last week–which include the two missiles that struck central and southern Israel a few days ago after the Iron Dome failed to intercept them–have shown a distinct lack of capability and readiness on the part of the IDF. 

What has happened to our beloved army?

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