Yom Reva’ee
28 Cheshvan 5782
November 3 2021
Photo of the Day
The above “balloon” is part of the new “Sky Sky” system, an early warning advanced radar system developed by Israel Aircraft Industry’s Elta and TCOM, an American company specializing in airborne surveillance systems.
The balloon will be stationed at a site under construction in northern Israel.
Adm. John Hill, the head of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency issued this statement yesterday:
“The elevated sensor system is an excellent example of cooperation between the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and the Director of Defense in the Ministry of Defense and partner industries. This type of technology and research benefits both countries. Of the State of Israel in the detection of advanced threats to maintain the high-quality Israeli military advantage.”
Your humble servant does not want to be cynical or unduly pessimistic, but in an age of missiles, this balloon looks like it would be a sitting duck for enemy attacks.
The News on the Israeli Street
A protest taking place at this moment . . .

The protest taking place in Jerusalem right now against American plans to open a Palestinian consulate in eastern Jerusalem.
What the Biden Administration is advocating is dividing Jerusalem by establishing a consulate in the eastern part of our capital—a consulate which obviously would be the forerunner of a Palestinian Embassy in a divided city.
The protesters have it exactly right.
Regulating the Negev . . .
As your humble servant has often observed each time he has driven through the Negev on the way to Eilat, the area has become completely overrun by illegal Bedouin homes and encampments.
Today, it was announced in a cabinet meeting that three new Bedouin cities (Abda, Rahma. and Kashen Zannana) be established there in the hope that all Bedouins who have illegally built their residences on state land will pick up and move to the new cities.
It is a forlorn hope.
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Your humble servant finds it extraordinarily difficult to believe that the Bedouins who have already established homesites (complete with satellite tv dishes, air conditioners, and animal enclosures for their sheep and camels) will somehow allow themselves to be relocated to cities.
Not to overgeneralize or stereotype, but the simple fact is that the Bedouin mentality embraces an independent desert existence and will not easily (if at all) morph into one accepting city life.
Israel attacks in Syria again . . .
Once again the targets were warehouses full of Iranian weapons being handed over to Hezbollah.
The Knesset Budget “Discussions” Continue
So far, our wonderful politicians have spent 33 hours discussing, arguing, and shouting insults at each other.
We have had the spectacle of Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman lambasting former PM Netanyahu for not coming up with a budget for the last 3+ years because, according to Liberman, Netanyahu “sacrificed the economy for his own benefit.”
What a bad joke.
It was under Netanyahu that the Israeli economy has grown to new heights.
A growth which by the way was not lost on current PM Naftali Bennett who obviously took credit for it and proclaimed that “The establishment of the budget will ensure stability and it will convey to citizens and the world that Israel’s economy is strong and growing at a rate of 7% a year.”
Another joke.
Ensure stability? Who is kidding whom? Three polls released in the last three days indicate:
*A strong majority of Israeli citizens believe the country is heading in the wrong direction.
*PM Netanyahu and his Likud party are more popular than ever.
*If an election were held tomorrow, both Bennett’s Yamina Party and Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope Party might not even garner enough votes to enter the Knesset.
And so it goes on another raucous night here in Israel.