Yom Shnee
25 Kislev 5782
November 29 2021
Happy Chanukah!

There are souvganiot and there are souvganiot! How about this one with a Hershey’s Kiss on top posted on Israel social media (Hamal) this morning.
Photo of the Evening:

President Yitzhak “Bougie” Herzog lights the first candle of Chanukah at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron.
Kolakevod to President Herzog for keeping his promise and lighting the candle in Hevron despite all the threats from Hamas, the PLO, and lefties around the world. We have often criticized him on OneIsrael, but for this, Herzog deserves our praise.
In lighting the candle, President Herzog eloquently said this:
“The historical connection of the Jewish people to Hebron, to the Cave of the Patriarchs, to the heritage of our mothers and fathers is unquestionable. Recognition of this affiliation should be above all controversy.”
The Egregious Quote of the Day
Speaking of Hevron, it was back on the 26th of March, 2001 that ten-month-old Shalhevet Pass was deliberately targeted and murdered in her stroller by a Palestinian sniper. Yesterday, Amos Schocken, the publisher of the uber-leftwing Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz said this at a forum:
“Shalhevet Pass was killed due to the irresponsibility of her parents who thought it was possible to raise children in combat environment.”
What Shalhevet’s parents thought was that it was wonderful responsibility to raise children in Israel.
In fact, all of Israel is in a combat environment, most specifically Judea, Samaria, the southern border with Gaza, the northern border with Hezbollah, and the eastern border with Syria and Jordan. In recent wars, missiles have even hit Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
If Schocken had his way, there would be no Jewish children in the country. And no Israel.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Our security forces issued a terrorist alert last night in the area around Beersheva. Blockades were set up at all entrances, and the terrorist and his two accomplices were captured at the northern entrance by a YSM force.
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Palestinian terrorists wounded a bus driver between Hizma and Anatot.
Palestinian terrorists used Molotovs and “rocks” to attack Israeli motorists on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, between Ma’ale Amos and Rojum Anka, on Road 458 near Al Muayyar, on Road 55 between Azzun and the Ma’ale Shomron Junction, between the Al-Khader Junction and Beitar, and on Road 465 near Deir Nizam.
Our “friends” the Jordanians . . .
It came to light yesterday that Jordan and the PLO plan to go to the United Nations and UNESCO to try to wrest control of the Western Wall in Jerusalem from Israel.
The General Director of the Al-Aksa Mosque, Omar Kiswani said that Western Wall is part of the mosque, and that Chanukah celebrations in the plaza in front of the wall are a violation of international law.
Kiswani’s rantings should come as no surprise because they come as a result of Israel ceding control over the Temple Mount to the Jordanian Islamic Wakf. Now they want the Wall; soon, the Jordanians will declare that the entire Old City is theirs–like they occupied it from 1948-1967, and they will want to ethnically cleanse it of all Jews again.
Israel Closes Its Borders Again
The new regulations:
1. No foreign citizens are permitted to enter Israel (unless they obtain an exemption from the Health Ministry).
2. Israelis returning from abroad will be given a PCR test at Ben Gurion Airport:
A. If they have not been vaccinated or recovered, they will be taken to a Corona Hotel. If they receive a positive result from the test–it usually takes 24 hours to obtain a result–, they will remain in the hotel; if they receive a negative result from the airport test,they will be allowed to move to their homes for continued isolation. They will be given a second PCR test on the 7th day of their quarantine; if it is negative, they will be released from quarantine.
B. If they have been vaccinated or have recovered, they will go to their homes to be quarantined and await the result of the airport test. If the test is positive, they will remain in isolation at home, and then have a second test on the 7th day of their quarantine and a 3rd test on the 14th day. If the result of those tests is negative, they will be released from quarantine. If the airport test is negative, they will then have a second test on the 7th day of the quarantine, and if that test result is also negative, they will be released from quarantine.
C. If they are returning from a red country (basically all of Africa), they will then be taken from Ben Gurion Airport to a Corona Hotel–even if they have been previously vaccinated or have recovered. If they receive a negative result from the airport test, they will be allowed to move to their homes for continued isolation. They will be given a second PCR test on the 7th day of their quarantine; if it is negative, they will be released from quarantine.
3. Anyone who tests positive for the new Omicron variant will be GPS tracked by Shabak.
As we all know, these regulations are likely to change at any time, but apparently they are supposed to be in force for the next two weeks–during which time international airlines will probably stop flying to Israel again, hotels in Israel will begin to go under again, and, and . . .