The Gaza War Day 270, The War in the North

Yom Reava’ee


27 Sivan 5784

July 3 2024


May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

L-Maj. Eyal Avnion, R-Master Sgt. Nadav Elchanon.

L-Maj. (res) Eyal Avnion, R-Master Sgt. (res) Nadav Knoller.

Maj. (res) Eyal Avnion, 25, from Hod HaSharon, was a fighter in Battalion 121 of the 8th Brigade. He was killed in an explosion in central Gaza.

Master Sgt. (res) Nadav Knoller, 30, from Jerusalem,was a fighter in Battalion 121 of the 8th Brigade. He was killed in the same explosion in central Gaza.

Their deaths bring to 320 the total number of IDF soldiers who have fallen since October 27, 2023 when the Gaza ground operation began.

Quote of the Day

“If you protest for Palestinians but stayed silent on the genocide in the Sudan or Assad’s massacre in Syria where he killed six times more people in a decade than died in all the wars involving Israel in 75 years, you’re an antisemite.”

Douglas Murray

On the Ground in Gaza

*The IDF has continued a massive attack on the Shujayieh neighborhood using artillery, IAF and drone strikes, tank fire, combat helicopters, and ground forces. Fierce explosions from the area are being heard all the way to here in Ashdod (we heard them throughout the night). In addition, the IDF “raided” sections of Gaza City overnight.

*IDF Chief of Staff Halevi declared yesterday that the “above ground” war in Rafah is largely finished with the IDF having killed more than 900 terrorists there as well as having destroyed all significant HamISIS assets. He further said that the fight now moves underground where the IDF seeks to expand its already wide achievements in destroying HamISIS tunnels. He estimated that the “underground job” would take six months or more.

*Four missiles have already been fired early this morning by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza at the border communities of Sufa and Holit. One missile was intercepted, and 3 apparently exploded in “open spaces.”

*After the 25 missiles that were fired out of Khan Younis at Israel border communities, the IDF attacked the launch sites with artillery. If you can believe this, Israeli leftist media criticized the IDF for this mode of attack in today’s news reporting saying that artillery is not as precise as IAF strikes or drone strikes. In the opinion of OneIsrael, launch sites should be attacked in any way possible; we have never understood over the years why we have not pummeled the launch sites even as we are being fired on. 

On the Ground in the North

Hezbollah fired more than 25 missiles into northern Israel yesterday along with 5 explosive drones. Since Hezbollah first attacked Israel in this war on October 8, 2023, it has attacked Israel 2,295 more times involving more than 6,800 missiles and drones (as you can see from the right hand column on this page).

The IDF Spokesman: “The IAF struck Hezbollah infrastructure sites in the areas of Blida, Yaroun, and Tayr Harfa in southern Lebanon. Moreover, the IAF struck a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Aitaroun, Additionally, IDF artillery struck to remove threats in the areas of Labbouneh and Chihine.”

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

*The IDF killed 4 terrorists in Nur Al-Shams overnight including Nimr Khamarsha, a senior commander in the Tulkarm Battalion.

*Teams from the abominable Israel Civil Administration destroyed six buildings in the Oz Zion Jewish community in the Binyamin region this morning. Two children had to be treated for smoke inhalation after “security forces” threw a smoke grenade into a house.

If You Can Believe These . . .

*In an unbelievably bizarre piece of news today, a soldier who killed terrorists on October 7 has been arrested for  “murdering a terrorist”.

What happened is described by his incredulous father in this plea to the public: 

“On October 7, while half of the country was in shelters and half of the country was probably sleeping, my son and another fighter he knows, without being called, quickly arrived in their personal vehicle to the south in order to help and save as many people as possible.

At Sha’ar Hanegev, they encountered terrorists, killed several of them and even managed to rescue the wounded. The soldier who was with him was wounded in the incident while trying to rescue the soldiers who were wounded. Among other things, they risked their lives to prevent attempts to kidnap the bodies of fighters who were in the field.

Today we found out that there are delusional elements in our dear country who are trying in every way to demoralize our soldiers, and instead of handing out medals to people who did the maximum while others did not even do the minimum, they are busy trying to discredit and castrate our fighters. It’s not a matter of right and left; it’s a matter of light and darkness.”

Everyone should go and support him at 09:15 at the Magistrate’s Court in Tel Aviv tomorrow in the hearing on whether to extend his detention.

Can you even for one second believe that the utterly absurd justice system wants to imprison a brave fighter who eliminated terrorists who murdered and raped Israelis?

It is just incomprehensible.

*The government has decided to supply electricity and desalinated water to Gaza–at Israeli taxpayer expense. Once again avoiding responsibility and casting blame at others for the decision, the government says that this is being doing done to forestall action against Israel at the International Criminal Court and because it was a condition of President Biden for signing off on the Rafah operation.  Whatever happened to the “total divorce” that was supposed to take place between Gaza and Israel?

*The Biden minions are claiming that Biden has not cognitively declined because he can handle security crises. The example they give is that Biden told PM Netanyahu that if Israel retaliated against the Iranian missile launches against Israel that “Israel would go it alone.” Can you believe that they are proud to say that Biden threatened to abandon Israel?

By the way, speaking of Biden, his spin team now gives these reasons for his incoherence at the debate: he had a bad cold; he was exhausted from international flights (his most recent one was 10 days before the debate); Biden only trained for the debate at 11:00 am but debate was at night.

And so it goes this morning in Israel . . .


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