The Gaza War: Day 272, The War in the North

Yom Shishee


29 Sivan 5784

July 5 2024



May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Sgt. Eyal Mimran

Sgt. Eyal Mimran

Sgt. Eyal Mimran, 20  from Nes Ziona, a fighter in the 101st Battalion of the Parachute Brigade, fell in battle in Shujaiya in northern Gaza.


Maj. (res) Itay Galea

Maj. (res.) Itay Galea, 38 from Ramat Gan, was killed in a Hezbollah missile attack on a military base on the Golan Heights yesterday. He was survived by his pregnant wife and two daughters.

It has been another horrible week with the number of fallen soldiers continuing to mount. 13 soldiers have been killed this week:


13 soldiers (Sgt. Eyal Mimran not pictured) in 7 different locations: 1 fell in Jenin, 1 in Tulkarm, 1 in Karmiel, 1 in the Golan Heights, 2 in southern Gaza (Rafah), 2 in central Gaza, and 5 in Sujaiya (northern Gaza).

Another Hostage Declared Dead, Negotiations Resume

Itzik Elgarat, 68, has been declared dead by the IDF. Back in January, he was reported as “alive” and good health. Now he has been declared dead.

*Yesterday, PM Netanyahu authorized Dedi Barnea, the head of Mossad, to return to Qatar to resume negotiations for a hostage release based on the latest HamISIS response to the Biden 3-stage proposal.

The View from Here in Ashdod

There was a steady stream of explosions all night from Gaza that rocked us here in Ashdod. This morning we learned that there was a wave of attacks in central and northern Gaza. The booms are continuing at this hour.

On the Ground in Gaza

*The IDF Spokesman:

“The IAF struck terrorists who operated from UNRWA schools in the area of Gaza City in central Gaza- the “Alqahirah” School in Al-Furqan, and the “Musa” School in Daraj Tuffah.

The schools were used as hideouts for terrorists and as an active operational infrastructure of the Hamas terrorist organization, from which its operatives planned, directed, and carried out numerous terror attacks against IDF troops operating in the Gaza Strip.”

*A follow-up to the unbelievable attempt to prosecute Israelis for killing a terrorist on October 7:

As reported here yesterday, three civilians were incredibly arrested on suspicion of murdering a HamISIS terrorist during the October 7 battles on the Gaza Border. These civilians not only killed terrorists; they also rescued people, and even stopped terrorists from carting soldiers’ bodies away to Gaza.

The good news is that the presiding judge yesterday referred to impose a gag order on the details of the affair, and ordered the three released under restrictive conditions.

The reactions to the arrests continue to pour in:

From MK Yulia Malinovski (Israel Beitenu): Moral degradation and unprecedented humiliation! Citizens who showed extraordinary courage, stood up and saved many lives on the seventh of October are arrested by the police? For killing a terrorist? They deserve to be saluted by the state of Israel. What a disgrace!

From the “Mothers of Fighters” Group: 

“Someone here was confused, to arrest people who eliminated terrorists who murdered and burned our brothers and sisters? We send our children to fight so that they eliminate as many terrorists as possible, not to arrest them because they eliminated terrorists. The state, the prosecutor’s office, the army all need to wake up!”

A follow-up to the release of the terrorist head of the Shifa Hospital:

As you all know, the terrorist head of the hospital was suddenly released several days ago, but no one wanted to take responsibility for the release.

We now have the head of Shin Bet admitting that one of his underlings “made an error in judgment.”

However, as we noted in the original story, no one is being fired for this egregious “mistake.”

It’s the same old story as always happens in Israel.

On the Ground in the North

The IDF Spokesman:

“Over the last few hours, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of Meiss El Jabal, and a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon.”

What a pitiful response to the Hezbollah bombardment of northern Israel yesterday (more than 200 missiles and 25+ explosive drones) that killed one soldier, wounded several more, and set northern Israel on fire:



A collage of fires in northern Israel yesterday (courtesy Amir Tsarfati).

A collage of fires in northern Israel yesterday (courtesy Amir Tsarfati).

*In case you are keeping track . . .

The IAF has been steadily working up the Hezbollah chain of command in terms of targeted assassinations.

The three main Hezbollah Unit Commanders are now dead, and you can see below (graphic is from ALMA) who is left:

hezbo chain of command

Two Quotations From America To End Today’s Blog

“The Palestinians in Gaza are the most extreme population on earth, who are taught to hate Jews from birth. It will take years to fix this problem.”

Senator Lindsey Graham

Actually, as correct as Senator Graham is, we here at OneIsrael believe that the problem is unfixable.


“By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice-president, first black woman…to serve with a black president.”

Whom do you think said this?

Yes, it was President Biden speaking on the radio yesterday to an interviewer on Philadelphia radio station WURD. It was one of another series of gaffes Biden made yesterday which further call into question his mental competence.

And so it goes in Israel this morning . . .

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