Yom Shabbat
12 Elul 5784
September 14 2024
On the Ground in Gaza
The IDF attacked with artillery HamISIS targets in the Tel El Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City.
Ground forces destroyed an underground tunnel structure in Deir Al Balach.
The IAF struck targets in the Topah neighborhood of Gaza City, Jabaliya, and the Mawasi section of Khan Younis.
On the Ground in the North
Hezbollah hit northern Israel with 7 barrages of missiles and explosive drones yesterday. More barrages continued through the night and are continuing this morning.
Today’s early attacks included: 00:33 Manara; 00:58 Avivim, Vered HaGalil, Tzfat, Dalton, Amuka; 06:02 Shtula; 06:09 Gornot HaGalil; 07:30 Dovev; 07:38 Iftach. Since then, another 55 Hezbollah missiles have rocked northern Israel:

The IDF Spokesman last night:
“The IAF continues to attack terrorist targets in Lebanese territory; earlier today one attack was on a military building where Hezbollah terrorists operated. In addition, warplanes attacked an AMLAH warehouse, a launcher from which launches were carried out in the past, and the organization’s military buildings in the areas of Majdal Zon, al-Jabin and Beyda in southern Lebanon. In addition, the IDF attacked with artillery fire in the areas of Lavona, Ramya, and Ayita a – Sha’ab and Alma a-Sha’ab in southern Lebanon.”
What is there to say about all the attacks and the IDF response? With Iran guiding its every move, Hezbollah seems more determined than ever to provoke a war with Israel. Some of the attacks yesterday reached all the way down to the Kineret–and who knows if the next volley of missiles or drones will hit central Israel? Obviously, isolated artillery hits and IAF strikes are doing little to halt Hezbollah.
It seems that the most Israel can do is issue more warnings to residents of the north who remain there. This morning the warning is for the area from Katzrin northward along the Golan Heights: “You must stay near protected areas.”
A Ray of Sunshine Amidst The Destruction
You may not have heard of it before, but before October 7th, the Green-Pub was one of the most popular small pubs in Otef Aza (the communities along the Gaza border). Located in Kibbutz Nir Am, the legendary bar was a favorite watering hole for residents.
After the massacre at Nir Am, most of the remaining residents relocated to the Harrods Hotel in Tel Aviv, and the Hotel graciously allowed them to set up a temporary Green-Pub there.
This coming week the Tel Aviv Green-Pub will close its doors because it moved back to Nir Am—a symbol that some normalcy is beginning to return to the region (we all know that life there will never be “normal” again).
We here at OneIsrael wish the Green-Pub all the best and have every intention of visiting it soon.
*Thanks to Yifat Yerushalmi and Sycamore Beer for parts of this story.
For Those Of You Out On The Front Lines
Fighting Against Israel-Bashers!

How to answer the absurdities put forth by the “humanitarian progressives? The following list with shorter answers appeared on Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram site today (it is not clear what the original source is):
1. “Israel is committing genocide.”
Blatant nonsense. If Israel wanted to commit genocide, it would simply bomb Gaza into the Stone Age overnight. Instead, Israel has lost hundreds of soldiers because it tries to minimize civilian casualties. If Israel was committing genocide, why would the IDF be issuing warning after warning to the civilian population to leave areas that are about to be attacked? The genocide claim is visibly untrue and defies all common sense. It only serves the perverse purpose of trying to connect what is happening in Gaza to what happened in the Holocaust.
2. “Israel killed their own.”
One of the most absurd canards is that IDF soldiers killed Israelis on October 7th. Palestinian terrorists literally filmed themselves slaughtering civilian familes as they rampaged through villages and a festival. They bragged as they livestreamed it . Anti-Jewish conspiracy theories are nothing new – this is the latest.
3. “ This is all driven by anti-palestinian racism.”
There is not a major Palestinian group that does not support terrorism. Fatah, PFLP, Hamas, Islamic Jihad -all support murdering civilians.
Opposing terrorism isn’t racism.
4. “Israel targets schools.”
A school is a place children learn. If there is a building that used to be a school but Hamas took it over – then it is not a school anymore.
It does not matter what it used to be. If it is a terrorist base – then it is a legitimate military target.
5. “Israel targets journalists.”
If you are a terrorist and you put on a press jacket – you are still a terrorist. It really is that simple. The Palestinian propaganda machine knows how to manipulate western audiences – and so every dead terrorist becomes a medic or journalist. Lest we forget, so-called “journalists” embedded themselves with Hamas murderers on October 7th and participated in the massacres.
6. “Israel has killed 41,000 civilians.”
This number is from the Gaza Health Ministry which is an arm of Hamas. The Health Ministry has faked the numbers in every war we have fought with Hamas. The supposed 41,000 dead “civilians” includes the 17,000+ terrorists who have been eliminated, and regular civilians who have died of natural causes. The Health Ministry will count a 98-year-old man who dies of lung disease as a “dead civilian.”
7. “Gaza was occupied so the Gazans were resisting.”
Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Beginning in 2007, Hamas took over every square millimeter of Gaza and turned it into a terror base.
Raping women, burning children, and slaughtering hundreds at a music festival is not resistance; it is terrorism at its most evil.
8. “UNRWA is a UN agency doing good work.”
Hamas could not exist without UNRWA assistance. They help recruit, arm and fund Hamas. UNRWA staff helped Hamas carry out the Oct 7 atrocities. Virtually every UNRWA facility in Gaza is a repository of weapons.
No organization has contributed more to the perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than UNRWA.
9. “The ICC and ICJ cannot both be wrong.”
The ICC panel is overflowing with Israel haters. The ICJ is just an extension of the UN. These are merely politicized bodies driven by the anti-Israel agenda of their constituent parts.
10. “ If Israel wanted peace they’d accept a ceasefire.”
There could be peace tomorrow morning if Hamas would release the hostages. It is Hamas that wants to prolong the war.
The Allies wanted peace in WW2 – but the way to peace was destroying the Nazis. Nothing less – including a ceasefire – would have worked. Israel must remove Hamas and denazify Gaza.
On that note we wish our soldiers and you dear readers:
Shabbat Shalom!