Yom Shleeshee
15 Elul 5784
September 17 2024
The pagers of Hezbollah terrorists all over Lebanon have exploded. Reports of at least 3000 wounded and 10 dead. Intense air activity all over Israel as we await an attack from Hezbollah.
The War in the North
Hezbollah hit northern Israel with 8 barrages of missiles targeting: Shear Yeshuv, Snir, Majdal Shams, Matat, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Margaliot, Ramot Naftali, Metulla, Shomera, Shtula, and Zarit. Manara has already been hit this morning (07:28).
This blurry photo of missiles exploding on the hills beside the Kineret (with Tiberias in the foreground) shows how far south Hezbollah is now reaching:

For its part, the IDF said last night: “Earlier today, the IAF struck a Hezbollah weapons storage facility, a Hezbollah observation post, and terror infrastructure sites in the areas of Rab El Thalathine, Houla, Maroun El Ras, and Blida.”
In reality, as you can see from the map below, IAF strikes have been pounding towns in southern Lebanon along the border–with the yellowed circles indicating places where 10 or more buildings have been destroyed or damaged.

On the Ground in Gaza
The IDF Spokesman last night:
“A short while ago, with the direction of IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF conducted a precise strike on a Hamas command and control center embedded inside a compound that previously served as the ‘Raazi El Shua’ School in Beit Hanoun.
The command and control center was used by Hamas terrorists as an operational hideout, as well as a place to plan and carry out rocket and missile attacks against IDF troops and the State of Israel in recent weeks.”
It was from this location that the attack on Ashkelon was launched two days ago.
**The HamISIS Health Ministry is out with another specious number claiming that 41,226 civilian Gazans have been “killed” in the current war. This is up from the 40,005 that was reported on August 15. In short, the number has increased by 1,221 in the last month.
Who are these 1221?
For one thing, the natural mortality rate in Gaza is about 6,900 people per year or about 575 people per month. Three of the leading causes of these “natural deaths” are lung cancer, breast cancer, and pneumonia (source: The Lancet). In terms of lung cancer, the number is not surprising considering that the average Gazan smokes 11 cigarettes per day. If you have noticed over the past months, one of the leading types of “humanitarian aid” being trucked into Gaza are trucks loaded with cartons of cigarettes.
For another thing, the IDF has reported that our forces have killed at least 500 terrorists in the last month.
So if you add natural deaths and terrorists’ deaths . . . well you can do the math as well as your humble servant.
On the Ground in Judea and Samaria
Daily and even hourly attacks by Palestinians on Israelis living in Judea and Samaria are a fact of life.
One example from yesterday occurred when Palestinian terrorists attacked 2 Jewish shepherds near the entrance to Jericho:

As we have often written here, the Israelis living in Judea and Samaria should be applauded for their bravery and their dedication to the ancestral homeland of Israel.
And so it goes this morning here in Israel as we wait to find out if Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will be sacked and replaced by Gideon Sa’ar . . .