The Gaza War Day 389; The War in the North


Yom Rishon

25 Tishrei 5785

October 27 2024

May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Five more soldiers were killed in southern Lebanon in the last 24 hours.

*Shaul Moyal of Karni Shomron (photo unavailable) fell in battle. He leaves behind his wife Smadar and 10 children.

*These four also fell:

From left: Cpt. (res.) Amit Chayut, Cpt. (res.) Rabbi Avraham Yosef Goldberg, Maj. (res.) Eliav Amram Abitbol, Master Sgt. (res.) Gilad Elmaliach.

Cpt. (res.) Amit Chayut, 29, from Haifa.

Cpt. (res.) Rabbi Avraham Yosef Goldberg, 43, from Jerusalem.

Maj. (res.) Eliav Amram Abitbol, 36, from Eitan.

Master Sgt. (res.) Gilad Elmaliach, 30, from Jerusalem.

These four soldiers all served with the Alon Brigade’s 8207th Battalion. Goldberg was the battalion’s rabbi, Chayut was a platoon commander, and Abitbol was a deputy company commander.

Since the Lebanese ground offensive began, 34 soldiers have fallen.

In addition to the above 5 deaths, Malachi Yehuda Harari from Evan Shmuel died from wounds suffered in Gaza. He had undergone several surgeries in an attempt to stabilize his condition.

Again . . , May the Memories Of These Brave Soldiers Be For A Blessing.

Two Terror Attacks Today

*In the first, an Israeli-Arab from Kalansawa rammed his truck into a bus near the Gillot army base. There were 37 casualities: 1 dead, 4 critical, 6 serious, 22 moderate, 4 trauma.

*In the second, a Palestinian attempted to run over soldiers at Hizma. No Israelis were wounded.

In each attack, the terrorist was killed.

On the Ground in the North

*Hezbollah Missile Attacks

Hezbollah fired 190 missiles into northern Israel and the Galilee yesterday. Today it has already fired more than 100, including 75 at one time at 12:31 at the upper and central Galilee region. Numerous casualties have resulted from Israelis being hit by shrapnel.

*From the IDF spokesman:

“Two days ago, with the direction of IDF intelligence, the IAF struck and eliminated the terrorist Ahmed Jafar Maatouk, the commander of Hezbollah’s Bint Jbeil area. 

Yesterday, directed by IDF intelligence, the IAF struck and eliminated his successor. Additionally, Hezbollah’s head of artillery in the Bint Jbeil area was eliminated in the strike.

These terrorists directed and carried out numerous terror attacks from the Bint Jbeil area including launching anti-tank missiles toward Israeli civilians and IDF troops operating in southern Lebanon.”

The IDF ordered the evacuation of 17 more Lebanese villages along the border today.

On the Ground in Gaza

The IDF spokesman:

“In the area of Jabaliya, IDF troops continued operational activity and eliminated over 40 terrorists over the past day. 

During the operational activity, the troops dismantled terrorist infrastructure and located large quantities of military equipment. 

In central Gaza, the troops eliminated a terrorist cell during a close-quarter encounter. Over the past day, the IAF along with the ground troops, struck military structures in the area . . .

With the direction of IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF conducted a precise strike on terrorists who were operating inside a command and control center that was embedded inside a compound that previously served as the ‘Salah al-Din’ School in Gaza City.” 

And so it goes so far today in Israel . . .

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