The Gaza War Day 291; The War in the North

Yom Reva’ee


18 Tammuz 5784

July 24, 2024


On the Ground in the North

Another day, another 100 missiles and drones are launched by Hezbollah. Yesterday’s attacks during one 4-hour period:

14:23 Netua, Fassuta, Shomera, Even Menachem, Alkosh, Matat, Hurfeish, Sdeh Meron, Peki’n, Zivon Tzuriel

14:30 Tzuriel, Zivon, Sassa, Hossen, Kfar Vradim, Kisra, Safsusa, Or HaGanuz, Bar Yochai, Kadita

14:44 Kfar Giladi, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai

15:06 Margaliot, Kiryat Shmona

15:10 Beit Hillel, Kiryat Shmona

15:53 Beit Hillel

15:55 Kfar Blum, Neot Mordechai

18:25 Kiryat Shmona

18:50 Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Margaliot, Misgav Am

And already this morning, Hezbollah launched explosive drones at Ayelet HaShachar (08:04).

Our lame response to the attacks?

The IDF Spokesman this morning:

“Overnight, fighter jets attacked a Hezbollah military structure in the Shihin region, from which launches were made into the country yesterday (Tuesday). In addition, a military warehouse was attacked in the area of Kfar Hammam. During the attack, secondary explosions were detected which indicated the presence of many weapons in the warehouse.”

The Quote of the Day

“The goals that the Chief of Staff took upon himself from the political level are unattainable. Whoever thinks that it is possible to bring all the abductees back is first of all misleading the dear families and this is an injustice.” 

Maj. Gen. Amir Baram, IDF Deputy Chief of Staff speaking on “Main Edition” on Israel television.

A startling statement from the Army’s second in command. Not only is his assessment of rescuing hostages sobering, but also the apparent dissension between Baram and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi is bared for all to see.

The Video of the Day

“Rivers of blood will flow through the streets of Paris.” This is just one of the declarations made by Palestinian terrorists on a video released yesterday in advance of the Olympics.

In the video, the speaker blasts the French support of the “Zionists”, and repeatedly warns that France will pay the price. The video gruesomely concludes with the holding of a severed, bloodied head.

Click here to see the video. 

The Nauseating Statements from the Israeli Left

As you know, PM Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress today (Wednesday) at 2:00 pm (9:00 pm Israel time).

As you may not know, Netanyahu brought an entourage with him to the U.S. including former hostage Noa Argamon (who was rescued by IDF troops) and her father.

PM Netanyahu with his entourage on the tarmac at Ben Gurion before leaving for Washington two days ago. Noa Argaman

PM Netanyahu with his entourage on the tarmac at Ben Gurion before leaving for Washington two days ago. Noa Argaman is third to the right of Netanyahu; her father is the bearded man to her right.

If you can believe this, Noa and her father have come under harsh criticism from the “left” for being “Bibists”–supporters of Netanyahu. Just how harsh is illustrated by this egregious post yesterday from Roni Mana:

“I would have preferred Noa to remain in captivity . . .  Noa, shame on you and your Bibist father, who went on a trip and put a pass on all the families of the abductees to fly with Sara and Bibi to be used as a decoration. 

Just unbelievable. He would have preferred Noa remain in captivity subject to rape and torture by the barbarian monsters in Gaza.

The Continuing IDF Whitewash of the PLO

As we have previously commented here at OneIsrael, the government and IDF are engaged in a massive campaign to whitewash the PLO in the hopes that the PLO will replace HamISIS at the end of the war in Gaza.

This is the same whitewashing that took place in the early 1990s which the terrorist PLO and its terrorist leaders such as Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas were suddenly described as “moderates” with whom peace could be obtained.

In yesterday’s blog we noted how our soldiers killed two terrorist leaders in Tulkarm on Monday. It was immediately reported that these terrorists were members the PLO’s Fatah Organization.

Yesterday we had this absurd “clarification” from the IDF spokesman:

“The claims that the IDF and the Shin Bet hide the identity of the terrorists by claiming that their identity and affiliation is with the Palestinian Authority, are devoid of any basis.

The terrorists who were killed are the commander of the military wing of Hamas in Tulkarm, and an active in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The source of guidance and funding for the Al-Aqsa Brigades is Iranian couriers. The battalions are not organizationally associated with a single movement, some are associated with Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Hamas and also Fatah, and some operate independently.

According to all the information we have, the Palestinian Authority is not related to the terrorists who were eliminated.

Say what?

Palestinian Authority? Whatever happened to the “PLO”–the huge name on emblazoned of every building in Ramallah?

And what kind of gobbledygook is “The battalions are not organizationally associated with a single movement, some are associated with Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Hamas and also Fatah, and some operate independently.”

Talk about obfuscation.





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