Tag Archives: 5th night

The IAF Kills The Same Dune Again

28 Kislev 5780 26 December 2019   Happy Chanukah!   The Chanukiah of the Day Do you want to see what the Kotel looks like at this moment? Click here.   The News on the Israeli Street The weather goes from bad … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 5th night, ashdod, ashkelon, bad to worse, bomb shelter, broadcast, chanukiah, floods, government of a country allows a large part of its country's citizens to remain vulnerable to missile attacks, hail, hamas naval training, iaf, Israel, kotel, likud primary, live, missile attack, Netanyahu, prime minister of israel, rain, saar, same seaside dune, sleet, Tzfat, unconscionable, year after year | Comments Off on The IAF Kills The Same Dune Again