Tag Archives: abraham

The Systematic International Delegitimization of Israel: UNESCO, Windsurfing, Kristallnacht (3:00 Update)

9 Cheshvan 5776  Thursday, October 22 2015 UPDATES 3:00 pm 12:51 pm: A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab an IDF soldier at the Hassam Shoter checkpoint in Hebron. Intended victim not wounded. Terrorist escaped. 12:01 pm: Palestinian terrorists armed with knives … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abraham, amsterdam, cave, delegitimization, isaac, Israel, Jewish, kristallnacht, leah, matriarchs, molotov, muslim, oman, palesstinian, patriarchs, rachel, rocks, sarah, terror, UNESCO, Windsurfing, zoabi | Comments Off on The Systematic International Delegitimization of Israel: UNESCO, Windsurfing, Kristallnacht (3:00 Update)