Tag Archives: ariel sharon

For Once An Israeli Prime Minister Knows How To Negotiate With Arabs

UPDATE 7 pm Thursday: Late this afternoon, an IDF soldier was stabbed in an olive grove in northern Israel near Carmiel. No further info. Earlier in the afternoon, two Israeli residents of Itamar, including Matan Fogel the younger brother of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1993, 2005, 2009, arabs, arafat, ariel sharon, beaten, border, borders, buffer, camp david, carmiel, cede sovereignty, cessation, children, clubs, community, construction, dead, disastrous, ehud barak, ehud olmert, european union, expose, extremist, fiascos, fire, gravely, hamas, Hezbollah, hill 777, IDF, in return for nothing, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, itamar, Jerusalem, jewish state, jordan, jordan valley, Judea, july 2000, keys, knows how to, launching, lines, matan fogel, may 2000, men, minister, missiles, murdered, negotiate, negotiating, negotiating table, nonstop, northern, northern gaza, nothing more, olive grove, oslo, palestine, Palestinian, peace, plo, pre-1967, prime, prisoners, promise, quartet, refugees, release, resumption, right-wing, rockets, Samaria, samarian, Saudi Arabia, shamir, shepherds, shimon peres, soldier, something for nothing, southern, stabbed, succession, suicide attacks, temple mount, terrorism, terrorists, thousand, thousands, three children, to danger, udi, unilateral, united nations, united states, update, waged again, wielding, wife, withdrawal, women, yediot aharanot, yitzhak, zone | Comments Off on For Once An Israeli Prime Minister Knows How To Negotiate With Arabs