Tag Archives: ariel

The Sad State of American Jewry

12 Tammuz 5778 25 June 2018     The Picture of the Day The IDF Spokesman dramatically announced yesterday evening that IAF aircraft attacked a wagon used by Hamas members in preparing incendiary balloons to launch into Israel. Attacked a wagon. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged along the Gush Etzion Road, annual budget, anti-Semitism, ariel, at Moshav Merhavim, bibi, christian broadcast network, christians united for israel, conservative jews, cufi, davis california, decade deal, drone, El Aruv, Erdogan, evangelicals, floundering, frozen, golan heights, greenblatt, hamas, huckabee, imam, incendiary balloons, iranian rials, irving roth, Israel, Jerusalem, kibbutz migdal oz, kill the jews, kushner, launch, liberman, moving embassy, patriot missile, People Of the Book, plo, president turkish economy, reform, Syria, tapuach junction, the beitar illit, took off their gloves, trump, united states, wagon | Comments Off on The Sad State of American Jewry