Tag Archives: ariel

Two Significant Developments On The Sovereignty/Annexation Front

20 Sivan 5780 12 June 2020   The News on the Israeli Street The daily Corona update . . . *As of 8:00 am this morning (Friday), there are 18,701 confirmed cases of Corona in Israel, of whom 15,288 people have … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10 day old, accident, annexation, ariel, assassinated, Bedouin, ben gurion to chad, covid 19, cyprus, dead, explosive balloons, farhat, foreign workers, gush etztion, handcuffs, heart defect, Hezbollah, high incidence of corona, iran, Israel, itamar, jordan valley not impotant, maale adumim, najmana, negev, nonstop flight, not wearing a mask, olmert, Palestinian, phased, recovered, shepherd, sovereignty, Spain, special needs, syrian refugees, terror, terroristdaily corona update, western wall | Comments Off on Two Significant Developments On The Sovereignty/Annexation Front