Tag Archives: bad

Help! Help! Is There A Doctor In The House? Mahmoud Abbas Is Depressed

UPDATE: More rock throwing assaults and suspected arson overnight.  Maybe you remember the old Rascals’ song from the 1960s: I was feelin’ . oh . so bad, I asked my family doctor just what I had, I said, “Doctor, . . … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2008, Abbas, about, abu, admission, ailing, arson, attention, baby, bad, belief, child, colombia, comedy, concessions, dejected, depressed, despondent, diplomats, doctor, down, exchange, foreign, Gaza, generous, gloomy, good, grow up, haaretz, hamas, Haniyeh, hard work, help, holguin, house, idiot, islamic, ismail, Israel, Jerusalem, lives, loop, loving, mahmoud, make, maria, mazen, MD, me, minister, moderate, murderers, nations, negotiations, Netanyahu, neverending, night, no, not first time, not last, offer, over, palestine, Palestinian, peace, podium, praise, prisoner, progress, rascals, resign, resigning, rock, sacrifice, same, seeking, shuttle, speech, spoiled, tantrum, terrorists, think, threaten, throw, throwing, tuesday, turn, UN, united, update, western, what, world, young | Comments Off on Help! Help! Is There A Doctor In The House? Mahmoud Abbas Is Depressed