Tag Archives: barel shmueli

Who Do You Believe?

Yom Reva’ee Wednesday 24 Elul 5781 September 1 2021   A Follow-up To Our Post About The Israeli Reservist You will recall that we reported several days ago about how an Israeli reservist was dismissed from service because he dared write online … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abdullah, afghanistan, Al Aruv, artillery pieces, assassination, at the Ma'ale Lavona Junction, barel shmueli, bennett, between Al-Khader and the North Efrat Junction, between the Al-Khader Junction and the Tunnel Checkpoint, biden, black hawk helicopters, brain surgery, build tunnels, c130, civil administration, clear morals, CNN, commands, concrete, construction materials, corona cases per capita, critically wounded, cubic meters, daily corona update, dear reader, dont shoot order, explosive balloons, facebook, fires in jerusalem, fishing, gantz, gaza security fence, gravel, humvees, idf general staff, insanity cake, iron bars, Israel, kerem shalom crossing, kochavi, m1117, machine guns, Mahmoud Abbas, migdal oz, missile launchers, mohammed deif, money, nap, nautical miles, new arsenal, on Road 55 between Azzun and Karnei Shomron, on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road near the Al-Khader Junction, paid to plo, point blank, radios, ramallah, range, rushing to embrace the plo, security stability, sisi, sleep, snooze, soldiers, soldiers killed, standing order, Taliban, tax money, trucks, ultra leftist government, values, violent assaults, water, weapons, where is the morality, whipped cream, withdrawal | Comments Off on Who Do You Believe?