Tag Archives: between Kiryat Arba and Beit Anun

PM Bennett’s Utterly Useless Upcoming Meeting With President Biden

Yom Shleeshee Tuesday 16 Elul 5781 August 24 2021   The Most Heartwarming Moment Of Last Night Thousands of Israelis tearfully gathered outside of Beersheva’s Soroka Hospital to pray the Selichot prayers and show their support for Staff Sgt. Barel Shmueli who … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 16 elul 5781, afghanistan, at Beit Furik, atincompetent, barel shmueli, Be'eri, beersheva, bennett, between Itamar and Elon Moreh (Israeli wounded), between Kiryat Arba and Beit Anun, between Shavei Shomron and Chumash, biden, bumbling, cement, cohorts, concessions, concessions to the palestinians, concrete, construction materials, covid 19, daily corona update, explosive balloons, heartwarming, in return for nothing, into Gaza, iran, iron bars, Israel, Kerem Shalom, Kissufim, make terrorist tunnels, missile fire from Hezbollah in Lebanon, old and set in his ways, oval office, photo ops, plan to deal with missile and balloon fire from Gaza, selichot prayers, soronko hospital, two state solution, upsurge of Corona in Israel, used by Hamas, various places in Gush Etzion, washington, We replaced a government that did not respond properly with a government that does not respond at all | Comments Off on PM Bennett’s Utterly Useless Upcoming Meeting With President Biden