Tag Archives: border guard

“A War For the Land of Israel: For Our Children’s Future and for the State of Israel”

UPDATES 6 pm Israel time, Wednesday, February 5 2014: *The municipality of Jerusalem has approved the construction of new apartments in various parts of the city today. Different sources are reporting different numbers, but the most definitive ones are 102 … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a war for the land of israel, against israel, agreed to the principle, attacked, attacks, battle cry, beginning of a process, bloody toll, border guard, boycotts, civil administration, coerce israel, destroying four buildings, did them more harm than good, emergency meeting, encourage, especially the second, european union, For a while now I’ve wondered why there’s been no Third Intifada, for our children, forced evacuation, gush shilo, har homa, heads of the communities of samaria, hey’re too poor, IDF, in the end, irony, Israel, israelis, isreal, its time for us to fight, jerusalem neighborhoods, jews, journalists, judea and samaria, more concessions, more than a year, municipality of jerusalem, netanyahu and livni, new york times, outrageous juxtapostion of live ammunition and suicide bombers, palestinian intifada, peace negotiations, pisgat zeev, politicians, samarian mayor, shechem, sickening, substitute excuses for explanations, take to the streets to demonstrate that the transfer of Israeli civilians would be immoral and would cause irreparable damage to the state of Israel, tel aviv, there should be a boycott against israel, Thomas Friedman, threat, too divided, too tired or that they realize these uprisings, united nations, white house, wistfully musing, yossi dagan | Comments Off on “A War For the Land of Israel: For Our Children’s Future and for the State of Israel”