Tag Archives: bouazizi

Welcome To The Tunisian Arab Spring: Version 2012

SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to technical problems with Word Press, the server of the israelstreet blog, this blog is appearing later than usual today–and may appear at erratic times in the next few days until Word Press works out problems with … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2012, administration, against jews, american, anywhere, arab, arab winter, authoritarian, Bahrain, ben ali, bouazizi, chants, conference, crowd, democracy, disguised, elected, elections, emissary, ennahda, entrenched, exhorted, fiscal relief, friends of syria, guarantee, hillary clinton, hometown, IDF, international capital, iran, islamic law, islamists, jordan, kill the jews, little to no, main square, markets, military, minorities, mohamed, molotov cocktails, municipal, Obama, official, on fire, overthrown, Palestinian, protect, regimes, respect, salafists, Samaria, Saudi Arabia, secretary of state, set himself, short tern, sidi bouzid, slaughter the jews, sovereign loan, spark, spring, street, Syria, terrorists, tunis, Tunisia, tunisian, under the control, vendor, version, welcome, women, zine abidine | Comments Off on Welcome To The Tunisian Arab Spring: Version 2012