Tag Archives: dignity

Cowardice In The Face Of Arab/Muslim Intimidation: Whatever Happened To Our Dignity?

“israelstreet is now read in 112 countries worldwide” UPDATE 10 am Israel time Wednesday, October 3, 2012: *An IDF patrol south of Bethlehem was attacked with three Molotov cocktails during the night. In unrelated actions, the IDF captured seven wanted Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a million muslims, allahu akbar, american president, arab, beersheva, bethlehem, bethlehem walk, canceled, capital, cartoons, closes, concealed knife, convent, cowardice, desecrated our holy city, dignity, ehud barak, embassies, eternal, fired, franciscan, french government, french magazine, groundskeeper, happy, hebrew, holiest place, IDF, international media, intimidation, israeli media, israelis, jesus, jovial, judaism, Judea, latrun, march for Jerusalem, mohammed, molotov cocktails, monastery, monks, moshe feiglin, mt zion, muslim, Netanyahu, new elections, Obama, Palestinian, Palestinians, patrol, pray, price tag, promote change, prophet, Ramadan, religious, reprehensible, rift, Samaria, self respect, sow the seeds of understanding and acceptance, spray paint, suspicious, temple mount, terrorists, vandalism, vile desecration, walk for peace, wine and cheese festival, women in green, youtube | Comments Off on Cowardice In The Face Of Arab/Muslim Intimidation: Whatever Happened To Our Dignity?