Tag Archives: erez crossing

Why Was Our Duvdevan Soldier Critically Wounded Last Night?

10 Sivan 5778 24 May 2018   Corroborating Quote of the Day “We coordinate with Tehran on a daily basis.” Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, speaking yesterday. Not that we didn’t already know about how Iran was controlling Hamas in Gaza, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abud, al khader, american embassy, anti semite, appalling, arab clothing, Beit Horon, beit ummar, biased rulings, boycott, boycott petition in Iceland, bullets, cannot defend themselves, chest, coma, coordinate with Tehran, critically wounded, daily basis, de-Judaize Jerusalem, decline in public trust of the courts, democrats, demolish illegal structures, direct eye contact, Duvdevan, Egypt, ein kerem hadassah, El Aruv, elite, elon moreh, erez crossing, European Broadcasting Corporation, Eurovision in Jerusalem, forbidden to fire, former shore line, garden variety, Gaza, gaza border fence, gutless wonders, hamas, Herodion, hospital, ieds, iran, Israeli judiciary, itamar, J Street, jaffa street, jerusalem district court, Karmela, King Abdullah of Jordan, kinneret, law, let Palestinians off the hook, letter, marble slab, mayor of Dublin, migrating birds, miriam naor, molotovs, nature lovers, nesting area, netta barzilai, no Eurovision in Israel, not expected to survive, Open-Fire Regulations, pompeo, punish Israelis, rocks, rooftop, sad picture, sea of galilee, settlement expansion, sinwar, sisi, stabbed, stabbing in jerusalem, stigmatizing, terrorist tentacles, Tunnel Checkpoint, undercover, Unit 217, water resources | Comments Off on Why Was Our Duvdevan Soldier Critically Wounded Last Night?