Tag Archives: fallen

Livni Out, Mofaz In: The More Things Change In Kadima, The More They Stay The Same

UPDATE (6 pm Wednesday): An Israeli motorist was injured in Jerusalem near Mount of Olives three hours ago when terrorists stoned his car. TODAY’S BLOG In the end it wasn’t even close. Frustrated by the continuing drop of their party … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 37.23, 61.7, ariel, blustering, booted, break off, bulldozers, car, cares, carry out, chairman, chairmanship, chief of staff, coalition, comeback, committee, consolidate, count on, creature, defense, defense minister, demolitions, disappear, drop, fallen, fear, flamed out, foreign affairs, form, fortifying, frustrated, Gaza, general, go to, government, how low, IDF, inability, injured, interests, intifada, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, Jenin, jersalem, kadima, Knesset, left, likud, limelight, livni, lt. gen, media, mofaz, motorist, mount of olives, narcissism, Netanyahu, new elections, new party, next government, no hurry, not much, outposts, Palestinian, party, personal, politics, polls, populace, public, public esteem, raids, reserve, right, second, sharon, slid, split, star, stoned, strongholds, terrorists, the more they stay the same, the more things change, the press, too long, tough tactics, tzipi, underscore, update, voters, what difference | Comments Off on Livni Out, Mofaz In: The More Things Change In Kadima, The More They Stay The Same