Tag Archives: heaven

“Palestinian ‘Dean of Prisoners’ Marries Sweetheart”

UPDATE: IDF arrests 17 wanted Palestinians overnight. TODAY’S BLOG: The facile willingness of the media to buy into the Palestinian narrative becomes more appalling by the day. The title of today’s blog is the headline of a Reuters’ article about … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged appalling, bank, Barghouti, bargouthi, bargouti, brutal, children, couple, dancing, dean, detonate, ewan, family, fatah, gifts, gilad, guard, halamish, hamas, happiness, headline, heaven, IDF, international, islamic, Israeli, jews, kobar, lamb, letters, library, loving, makeup, marital bliss, media, messages, money, murder, nael, nafe, narrative, neve tzuf, operation, Palestinians, peace, prison, prisoners, reality, reuters, rice, Samaria, schalit, security, Shalit, show, singing, soulmates, stabbing, suffer, suicide, sweet, system, tel aviv, wedding, west, white dress, women, yediot, ynet | Comments Off on “Palestinian ‘Dean of Prisoners’ Marries Sweetheart”