Tag Archives: herd immunity

Vaccination Nation Or Guinea Pig Nation?

Yom Shnee, Monday 27 Tevet, 5781 January 11, 2020   The News on the Israeli Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . In Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem: Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs attacked Israelis … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged budget deficit, comic farce, Corona, covid 19, daily corona update, degania dam, delayed, digital medical records, economic hard times, Gaza, GDP, guinea pig nation, herd immunity, humanitarian supplies, Israel, Kineret, lab rat, Netanyahu, Palestinian, pfizer, pilot program, soleimani, terror, testing ground, trial, vaccination nation, ventilators, weapons, who | Comments Off on Vaccination Nation Or Guinea Pig Nation?