Tag Archives: herd immunity

Eilat Day 3: Not Herd Immunity, Herd Insanity

16 Elul 5780 5 September 2020   The News on the Israeli Street The daily Corona (Covid-19) update as of 8 am this morning . . . There are 126,419 confirmed cases—an increase of 1,964 since this time yesterday  100,357 of these confirmed cases … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged anti viral spray, broken glass, chof almog, coral beach, Corona, cosmopolitan, covid 19, eilat, emanating from Eilat, end of the world, gloves, hand sanitizer, herd immunity, herd insanity, iaea, insanity, iran, masks, massive surge, party, temple mount, uranium | Comments Off on Eilat Day 3: Not Herd Immunity, Herd Insanity