Tag Archives: Ignoring the guidelines and disregarding the guidelines have changed the positive trend

The Devastating Decision of the Israel Supreme Court Yesterday

17 Sivan 5780 9 June 2020     Photo From Last Night Not just flag waving, but full-scale riots with buses stoned and fires set: such was last night in Yaffo. With a Black Lives Matter “protest” coming tonight, we … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 349 people were killed in road accidents, b'tselem, black lives matter, Edelstein, elad, fogel family, hadas, Ignoring the guidelines and disregarding the guidelines have changed the positive trend, itamar, likud, Our principle struggle is against the Zionist colonialism of 1948, palestinian flags, plo, regavim, regulation law, riots, ruth, security fence, state of israel, tel aviv, the cat is finally out of the bag, the Regulation Law violates the constitutional right to equality and respect for the residents of the Palestinian region, udi, yaffo, yoav | Comments Off on The Devastating Decision of the Israel Supreme Court Yesterday