Tag Archives: interception

Israel At War With Hamas: Day 4

Further update 11:00 pm Israel time Saturday: There are sudden strong rumors that a ceasefire is in the works to take place tonight or tomorrow.  ———– Further update 10:00 pm Israel time Saturday: There is every evidence tonight that this … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2006, 85 hamas targets, ahmed yoursef, ashkelon, beersheva, celebrations, chof ashkelon, contact, dawn, day 4, destruction is too great, funeral, Gaza, gush etzion, hamas, hamas government, hamas government building, hatserim, hudna, interception, iron dome, Israel, israelis, isreal, itzik amsalam, Jerusalem, Kiryat Malachi, Mada, nevitim, no ceasefire, november 17 2012, omer, Palestinians, police station, President obama, representatives, reserves, rules of the game, scene of destruction, sderot, senators, shaar hanegev, southern, war, yad mordechai | Comments Off on Israel At War With Hamas: Day 4