Tag Archives: islamization

Why Can American and European Parents Sleep Easily? Because Israeli Parents Cannot

UPDATE 6 pm Wednesday: More than 250 Palestinian “demonstrators” rioted outside of Ofer Military Prison this afternoon throwing “rocks” at IDF soldiers to show “solidarity” with Palestinian prisoners on a hunger strike. At 12:31 pm, there were  incoming rocket sirens … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged activity, american, arab countries, authority, ban, barbarism of the East, bomber, border of jihad, cannot, children, community, conservative, critical, daily missile attacks, daily terrorist attacks, dear reader, demonstrators, detail, different location, dutch, dutch government, easily, east, eastern, european, ever closer, every day, every second, everyday, face of the planet, farmers, fence, fitna, fox news, full support, Gaza, geert, greater risk, hamas, hamlets, hanagev, hannity, hate, holland, homes, hospitals, humble servant, hunger strike, IDF, immigration laws, incoming, islam, islam and reason of the West, islamic jihad, islamization, Israeli, isreali, Jerusalem, Jewish, Judea, kill, lightning rod, lying awake, marches, marked for death, men, middle east, mosques, moved, muslims, neighborhoods, Netherlands, northern gaza, ofer military prison, outpost, palestine liberation organization, Palestinian, parents, partij voor de vrijheid, party of freedom, plo, politician, prevention, prisoners, promote, pvv, refugee camps, right-wing, riot, rocket, rocks, Samaria, schools, sean hannity, security guards, separation fence, settlement, settlers, shaar, sharing the values, sirens, sleep, soldiers, solidarity, southern israel, southern lebanon, stop, suicide, terrorists, the West, there is no other country in the world, threaten, throw, tough, unilateral withdrawals, update, villagers, villages, wall, west bank, wherever you live, wilders, women | Comments Off on Why Can American and European Parents Sleep Easily? Because Israeli Parents Cannot