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The 17 Point Palestinian “Final Bargaining Position”

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Tuesday, October 29 2013: *Demonstrations have erupted across Israel in protest against the release of Palestinian terrorist murderers approved by the Netanyahu government yesterday. More than 3000 protesters were at Ofer Prison last night and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged "Final Bargaining Position, 17 Point, 3 options, a 1.9% land swap with Israel, agonized over the decision, american institute for peace, Australia, Canada, come to his senses, countries in the Arab League and European Union, gaza border, Israel, Israel will cancel the law that annexed "East Jerusalem" to Israel, Israel will recognize the "State of Palestine Under Occupation, Japan, Jew-free Judea and Samaria, Jewish Blood Is Not Cheap, john kerry, lambasted netanyahu, mad, My heart is with the bereaved families, Netanyahu has released Palestinian terrorist murderers in return for absolutely nothing, No IDF presence and no Israeli citizen will be permitted in "Palestine, not succumb, palestine, Palestinian, palestinian refugee, raving, receive "just" compensation, Return to "Palestine", Return to Israel, self-serving nonsense, stark, Stay in their current place of residence, tactics of intimidation, The 1949 Armistice Lines will be the borders of "Palestine, the blood of Jews in Israel worthless, the United States | Comments Off on The 17 Point Palestinian “Final Bargaining Position”