Tag Archives: Judicial Selection Committee

“Looking For Excuses In All The Wrong Places . . .”

Monday, Yom Shni 28 Cheshvan 5781 November 16, 2020     The Photo of the Day   The Sadly Pathetic Quote of the Day “We will not accept any attacks against the state of Israel and the citizens of Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 19-year-old Hadar Cohen, 1980, 2017, 23-year-old Hadas Malka, a message. a statement to society in general, active Corona cases in Israel, after the missile attacks on Ashdod, against the state of Israel, and IEDs, bat yam, ceased giving out the number of recovered, confirmed cases, Corona crisis, country western song, Covid-19 update. last 24 hours, critical condition, currently, daily corona, Damascus Gates, do not try us, February 3 2016, great deal of pride, have died, heavy, heroism, hollow pathetic bluster, holon, I never list our operational plans, I tell them, I warn terrorist organizations in Gaza, I was lookin' for love in all the wrong places, In any case, In sad memoriam, in the Old City of Jerusalem, iron dome, islamic jihad, Johnny Lee, Judicial Selection Committee, Justice ministry, knives, lies, lookin' for love, maalot hadar vahadas, machine guns, most critically ill, mt. hermon, no price at all, Nothing but, on duty near the Nablus, on June 16, only yesterday, Pathetic Quote of the Day, perhaps because it never coincided with the number of active cases, plaque, PM Netanyahu speaking yesterday, sadly, she was shot by three Palestinian terrorists, snow, stabbed to death, telling those sweet lies and losing again, the citizens of Israel, the Health Ministry, the news on the israeli street, the numbers this morning remain fairly stable, the price of continued aggression will be, their incoming missiles, They did successfully try us, todays blog, two of our finest Border Police Officers were murdered, utterly embarrassing disaster, ventilators, We couldn't even shoot down, We did accept them, We will not accept any attacks | Comments Off on “Looking For Excuses In All The Wrong Places . . .”