Tag Archives: Kissufim

The Egyptian-Jordanian-Saudi Arabian “Moderate Arab” Illusion

18 Av 5778 30 July 2018   Quote of the Day: “The decision-making process, in the face of identifying the threat and taking into consideration the short timetable, was correct. Additional technical aspects of the event cannot be published for information security … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Be'eri, capital of palestine, davids sling, decision making process, east jerusalem, Egypt, Ein HaShlosha, fires, humanitarian crackpots, illusion, iranian, Israel, jordan, Kibbutz Erez, kindergarten, King Salman, Kissufim, magic wand, moderate arab, mohammed bin salman, Moshav Malilot, nabi saleh, Nahal Hanoun, Nahal Oz, on Road 443, on the road between Gush Etzion and Hevron, on the road between Gush Etzion and Jerusalem, palestinian terror, Qalqilha, rapprochement with Israel, right of return, russian, Sa'ad, Saudi Arabia, Shurat HaDin, ss21, Syria, syrian, tekoa, the return, third-rate garden variety Arab dictators, turkish tourists, Yoshiviya, zikim | Comments Off on The Egyptian-Jordanian-Saudi Arabian “Moderate Arab” Illusion