Tag Archives: labor

George Galloway: The Ugly Face of the Anti-Israel “Peace” Forces

UPDATE 7 pm Israel time Thursday: A follow-up to yesterday’s blog about the decline of Benjamin Netanyahu: a new poll out this morning shows that if an election were held today, Yair Lapid’s “There will be a future” party would win 30 … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 18 year olds, anti-Israel, apartheid, arab, are you an israeli, benjamin netanyahu, bennett, boycott divest and sanctions, bradford west, christ's church college, enduring peace, eylan aslan levy, face, false veneer, flotillas, framework, george galloway, hamas, Hezbollah, i dont debate with israelis, i dont recognize israel, iranian, israel should withdraw immediately from the west bank, labor, lapid, likud, military, mp, national service, new poll, no normalization, no recognition, no right to exist, Oxford, Palestinian, peace treaty, seeking peace, ugly, yachimovich, you said we | Comments Off on George Galloway: The Ugly Face of the Anti-Israel “Peace” Forces