Tag Archives: march 13 1997

Burn Those Fields!

10 Cheshvan 5780 8 November 2019     Quote of the Day “If it’s so important for Netanyahu, he should pay the Palestinians $12 million dollars.” Senior White House officials quoting President Trump yesterday Trump’s comment came after PM Netanyahu requested … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged advanced centrifuges, all time, americans, bee free, exports, extortion money, failed launch, far underground out of the reach of bunker busting bombs, fordow, free market economy, Gaza, hamas, hero, honey, igem, international atomic energy agency, iran, island of peace, Israel, israeli schoolgirls, jordanian soldier, march 13 1997, massacre, Naharayim, nuclear bomb, out of hand, Palestinian, plo, qataris, record, security services, Shin Bet Head Nadav Argaman, technion, terror, trump, trump rejected, tzofar, UF6, uranium hexaflouride gas | Comments Off on Burn Those Fields!