Tag Archives: minefields

Strengthening Israel’s Hold on the Golan Heights

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Friday, January 10 2014: *This afternoon has seen Palestinian violence throughout Judea and Samaria but especially in Hebron and Qalqilya. At the latter location, Israeli soldiers have fought with “rock” and Molotov cocktail throwing Palestinians. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 200 million, 210 million, and the Settlement Division, and welfare, at all costs, banias, bassam salhi, but it would threaten the Palestinian right of return, central plank, clear 10000 hectares, constructing industrial facilities, culture, development of agricultural land and water resources--especially water resources based on recycled water, druze villages, education, expanding roads, golan heights, heartened, infrastructure, Israel, isreal, jewish national fund, jewish state of israel, majdal shams, minefields, never accept, news media, obliterated, outrageous, Palestinians, plo executive committee, preserve and implement, returning the golan to syria, right of return to israel, so called arab peace initiative, so called peace talks, strengthening, syrian border, The Israeli demand not only recreates the historical narrative of the region, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance, the palestinian myth of dispossession, the people of israel are with the golan, waterfall, We totally reject accepting Israel as a Jewish state, will never be peace, your humble servant | Comments Off on Strengthening Israel’s Hold on the Golan Heights