Tag Archives: munich

40 Years After The Munich Olympics: The Palestinians Are Still “Simply Terrorists” (and) The World Is Still The World

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Saturday: Intense activity throughout Judea and Samaria overnight: a Palestinian terrorist who infiltrated an IDF base in the Jordan Valley in order to steal weapons and ammunition was captured; at around 2 am, IDF soldiers … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 40 years, 500 million, abominable, absolutely pathetic, Abu Mazen, aftermath, american, ammunition, arab pressure, astonishing, athletes, atrocities, Beijing, bomb shelters, brazenly, british, captured, chairman, chinese, daniel craig, disgusting, eshkol region, hamas, horrific act of violence, idf base, idf soldiers, industrial revolution, international olympic committee, ioc refusal, irony, Israel, israel's attempts to exploit the Olympic Games for propaganda purposes, Israeli, israeli delegation, israeli flag, israeli victims, isreali, jacques rogge, james bond, jibril rajoub, jordan valley, judea and samaria, kissed, london, Mahmoud Abbas, mastermind, minute of silence, missiles, mohammed daoud oudeh, munich, music, nauseating, news agency, no idf response, olympic stadium, Olympics, orchestrate, orwellian, palestinian authority, palestinian football federation, palestinian terrorist, Palestinians, parachuting, perfect evening, perpetrated, plo, plo security commander, queen elizabeth, racism, reject, remorse, rockets, safety, shahar zubari, shaved head, shechem, smokestacks, spectacular show, sports illustrated, sports is a bridge for love, stage, steal, storied history, storytelling, terrorists, thanked, tore asunder, update, vicious murders, video clips, wafa, weapons, windsurfer, yasser arafat | Comments Off on 40 Years After The Munich Olympics: The Palestinians Are Still “Simply Terrorists” (and) The World Is Still The World