Tag Archives: nitzana

Rebecca Ram Goes On The Attack

5 Tishrei 5781 23 September 2020     PLEASE DONATE TO HELP US SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT ISRAEL Our annual fundraising drive will continue until the end of the high holy days in October. Please make a donation to OneIsrael/Israelstreet so that we can … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 6th generation, a sign of disgrace, anti zionist activities, antisemitic blood libels, bds movement, chayal boded, clash between the orthodox and the demonstrators on the left, Darshan-Leitner, death threats, defamation suit, Egypt and Jordan have agreed to buy $30 billion dollars worth of natural gas from Israel, elders of zion, F 35, fighter, Hevra Kadisha, if Jews were prohibited from praying in synagogues, Israel, nitzana, pay a high price, razan al najjar, rebecca ram, Shurat HaDin, sunir nepal, take Israeli natural gas to Europe, tent hospitals, the Jewish and democratic state, uae | Comments Off on Rebecca Ram Goes On The Attack