Tag Archives: on Road 458 north of Kochav Hashahar

A Sickening Thing To Behold

Yom Chamishee Thursday 26 Tevet 5782 December 30 2021   Photo of the Day In the photo are MADA medic Adi Rosenfeld and her 7-year-old daughter Omer. Note the braids that Omer is holding in her hands after having cut her … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 26 tevet 5782, acting on his own, almond butter, beloved country sliding into the abyss, benny gantz, between Kiryat Arba and Hevron, between the Alfei Menashe and Eliyahu Crossing, biden administration, blood and hair, bracelets, braids, cancer patient, cauliflower cream, closed skies, confidence building measures, confusing regulations, crazy for cauliflower, Deir Nizam, Each person, economically impoverished, familially outcast, flag, flood israel with palestinians, Flood the PLO and Hamas with money, Gaza, health ministry, heil hamas, hizma, Israel, israelis, Jerusalem, lone wolf, Mada, magen david adom, Mahmoud Abbas, malls, mentally ill, messiah, moshiach, ned price, Omicron is not causing an increase in the number of critically ill, on Road 443 near the Maccabim checkpoint, on Road 446 south of the Okef Avod Dam, on Road 458 north of Kochav Hashahar, on the corona front, open skies, or people who have died, paid nothing, please and appease the Biden Administration, psychologically unstable, rewarded for their terror, rogue, seriously ill, Shift all attention to Jewish community members, Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood, sniper, soup, struggle with the Israeli enemy, The Israeli Food of the Day, the less they will terrorize us, the more we pay the terrorists, the news on the israeli street, the Omicron variant is highly contagious and is spreading rapidly, the photo of the day, vaccinating children, We are in a constant state of confrontation, We gained achievements, Whitewash Palestinian terrorism, wounded, yellow star | Comments Off on A Sickening Thing To Behold