Tag Archives: open fire

Israel’s Absurd Relinquishing Of Sovereignty Over Joseph’s Tomb

UPDATE 7 pm Friday: Hamas Palestinian terrorists opened fire at an IDF force along the Border fence an hour and a half ago–and the IDF is responding with artillery fire. TODAY’S BLOG: Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1500 Jews, 1967, a hundred pieces of silver, april 24 2011, artillery, assaulted, at midnight, ben joseph livnat, bones of joseph, border, brothers, buried, burned, byzantine, christians, defense minister, Egypt, ehud barak, evacuate, exodus 13:19, family, Gaza, god will surely visit you, hamas, hamor, hillel lieberman, IDF, Israel, isreal, it is high time, jacobs well, jealous, jewish worshipers, joseph, josephs tomb, judea and samaria, jurisdiction, ludicrous, molotov cocktails, moses, mt ebal, mt. gerizim, multi colored coat, nablus, no charges, northern kingdom of israel, October 7 2000, once a month, open fire, operation defensive shield, oslo accords, Palestinian, pathetic, pharoah, plo, police did nothing, prison, prophecy, rabbi, ransacked, reassert, reconcile, religious conflict, relinquish, reunite, revered, ridiculous, rocks, Samaria, second intifada, shechem, shot to death, sold to traders, sons of israel, sovereignty, tel balata, terrorists, update, vizier, west bank, worshippers | Comments Off on Israel’s Absurd Relinquishing Of Sovereignty Over Joseph’s Tomb