Tag Archives: photographs

Obama’s Follies At The U.N. Yesterday

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Wednesday, September 25 2013: *For the most part it was a great day in Jerusalem yesterday, the joy of which was only tempered by our inability to ascend to the Temple Mount. What was especially … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10 most absurd obama statements, 870 million, a view of the old city, abu tor, Algeria, and I believe there is a growing recognition within Israel that the occupation of the west bank, and people are being lifted out of poverty, and possible, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and there is a near certainty of no civilian casualties, ariel, assad, barack obama, Beyond bringing our troops home, birkat kohanim, bizarre, bully pulpit, campaign trail, ceremony, city sidewalk, clings to, conflate, delusional world, demonstrably, devoid of historical perspective, Egypt, extremists, factually wrong, false notion, farsi, fatwa, five years after the global economy collapsed, follies, former president bush, Friends of Israel, global financial systems have stabilized, global power, great day, guantanamo bay, guise of being a friend of israel, handpicked audience, hijack change, I was inspired by young Israelis who stood up for the belief that peace was necessary, imminent threat to the United States where capture is not feasible, including the United States, international audience, iran's nuclear weapons program, Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, iraq, islamic republic, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, jewish quarter, jobs are being created, just, kotel, Lebanon, manipulate, marched, middle east tick, mubarak, muslim quarter, must recognize that Israel’s security as a Jewish and democratic state depends upon the realization of a Palestinian state, narrow passage way, negotiating table, Netanyahu, new york city, no friend of israel, Obama, old order, outpouring of support, Palestinians, photographs, post office building, poverty is increasing, praises abbas for doing nothing, praying, president abbas, prisoners, releasing palestinian murderers, rouhani, russia, sang, sectarian conflict, self righteous multitude, self-serving, sukkot, taking place, tefilat ha kohanim, temple mount, thanks to coordinated efforts by the countries here today, the supreme leader, the world is more stable than it was five years ago, tifereth israel synagogue, tomb of king david, Tunisia, UN, undernourished, united nations, visitors around the world, vladimir putin, We are no longer in a Cold War, we have limited the use of drones so they target only those who pose a continuing, we support israel, world hunger organization, zion gate | Comments Off on Obama’s Follies At The U.N. Yesterday