Tag Archives: recovered

Yawn . . . The PLO Terminates All Agreements With Israel and the U.S.

26 Iyar 5780 20 May 2020     The News on the Israeli Street The daily Corona update . . . *4 am Wednesday: There are now 16,659 confirmed cases of Corona in Israel. 39 people are on ventilators. 278 Israelis have … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1 minute, Abbas, Abu Mazen, ben gurion university, breathalyzer test, crackpot, daily corona update, died, electricity usage, European Union Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, fires, good fence, Israel, joe biden, July 19 2014, lebanon border, little King Abdullah of Jordan, Major Amutz Greenberg, oslo accords, PLO Chairman Abu Mazen, recovered, security cooperation, Sergeant Adar Bresno were murdered, support terrorists, synagogues will reopen, the French and German Foreign Ministries, uae, ventilators, waste dump of history | Comments Off on Yawn . . . The PLO Terminates All Agreements With Israel and the U.S.