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Just How Craven Is Our Israeli Government?

23 Tammuz 5777 17 July 2017   Two pictures from Jerusalem yesterday Your humble servant and his family spent the day in the Old City of Jerusalem yesterday. We wanted to see what the situation was following the terror attack … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged adalah, amphitheater, arson, avi dichter, beit el, border police, Caesarea, Chairman of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, craven, Elor Azariya, greek orthodox, hevron, iranians, Israel, Jerusalem, magnetometer, motta gur, National Staff Ordinance, new israel fund, no jews allowed, Open-Fire Regulations, qataris, removed, saint ventures limited, saudis, sell, sovereignty, status quo, terrorist, The Temple Mount is in our hands, turks | Comments Off on Just How Craven Is Our Israeli Government?