Tag Archives: rock attacks

A Wonderful Day Supporting Israel in the 2016 UC-Davis Picnic Day Parade!

9 Nisan 5776 Sunday, April 17 2016 When ED takes place, a man must not panic, but just think in the way of treatment with lower tadalafil sale cost. Luckily the 2009 one-time stimulus package contained greener energy initiatives which continue india … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al-aksa, Anata, beit ummar, bethany, Egypt, Estonia, firebombs, france, germany, israel matters, Jalazun, Jerusalem, kedumim, kiryat arba, Lithuania, missile launches, Netherlands, Palestinians, parade, picnic day, qalqilya, rock attacks, russia, shootings, Slovenia, Spain, stabbings, Sweden, tekoa, terror, the Hussan bypass road, the United Kingdom, the United States, uc davis, UNESCO, western wall | Comments Off on A Wonderful Day Supporting Israel in the 2016 UC-Davis Picnic Day Parade!