Tag Archives: rosh hashana

Why Don’t They Ever Learn?

Yom Rishon Sunday 28 Elul 5781 September 5 2021   Photo of the Morning Rosh HaShana, the Jewish new year, begins Monday evening at sundown. The IDF has been busy this past week preparing their deployments for the holiday period. The Disingenuous Quote of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 28 elul 5781, a condition for national resilience, A society, agricultural fields, amazon, and tens of thousands of other Israelis returning from abroad, apples honey, benny gantz, children in quarantine, commanders, Corona, covid 19, crudely engaging, disingenuous, does not back up its soldiers, don't shoot unless, einstein, explosive balloons, fires, forests, free shipping, gaza border, give concessions to Hamas in Gaza, He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it, kindergartens, kochavi, large family holiday meals, mass return of thousands of orthodox Israelis from the Ukraine, mentally challenged Coalition, nature preserves, no one in this country is expressing criticism for IDF soldiers on the ground, no one to fight for it, nursery schools, palestinian terror, pcr corona test, photo of the morning, praying at the tomb of Nachman, resilience is a condition for continued existence, rosh hashana, santayana, scapegoat, soldiers, surge, The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, the opening of the school year, the PLO in Ramallah, The willingness to bear losses, they made a mistake, vat, will find, wisdom in these quotations | Comments Off on Why Don’t They Ever Learn?